Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Well I am off track on the day i wanted to post (Mondays), but i am seven days from the last post :).

We pray all is well with each of you. This week we met with our authority/the president of Son Ministries and are now in heavy prayer about where the Lord is leading us and what we will be doing when we return as a permanent ministry. We know Biblically where and what the Lord calls us to do and now our prayer is just that the hearts of all involved will be molded and sensative to this call!

Justin will be leaving for a week in March to help with a youth conference in Mole St. Nicolas, Haiti and speaking to pastor Kenan about where our hearts our and what we will be doing when we return. We will be posting this soon :). On this trip Justin will preach every night for 20 minutes for a week, he is thrilled (there is a ton of joy in doing what the Lord has called you to do)!

Annika is awaiting her medicaid card so that we can schedule her another dr. appointment, but the last appointment went wonderfully and she is healthy, healthy, healthy!

Kevin is enjoying a week off from school and visiting with all family as possible in the area! He is an excellent big brother and wants to help even with the smallest details, like buttoning the onsies :)

Of course mom's big role right now is to get back on track with updating this blog as well as getting all of our information together (all of our 'ducks in a row' if you will) so that we can get back to Haiti as soon as possible! Right now it looks as though this may be the 1st of April. A big prayer request would be to get our visas so that we can remain in Hait for more than a 90 day period! Over the phone they are telling us that we do this in Port au Prince, but we are not sure that post earthquake this is still true. We will try to get this more in line as soon as we arrive on this next trip!

All things are in His hands and we find joy in following His will in our lives! God Bless you all and we will talk again next week!

Justin, Bobbi Ann, Kevin and Annika

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Hello All!

What a month so far and with a week and a half yet to go :). We had a wonderful visit with Charity Baptist Church and were blessed to pray with and for several brothers and sisters in Christ!

The Piney Point Christmas play went wonderfully and pierced both mine and Justin's heart in reminding us how life is in most American homes still during the holiday and though it is 'about Jesus' it usually is not about Jesus! That is a good swift kick to remind us to pray hard and witness harder!

And the big news of the week....SHE IS HERE! Annika Tyla Marie White was born at 6:03am on Tuesday December 21st 2010. All 6lbs, 1oz and 19 inches of her is healthy and strong. She was born with the cord wrapped around her neck twice and had to be held in the NICU room for 6 hours before we could see her and we couldn't hold her for 8hours after she was born...that was tough on Justin and I and poor Kevin had to wait over a whole day to see his baby sister (poor little man). However, PRAISE the LORD, she is here in our arms and the plan is to make it home tomorrow with a new addition to our family! We got to praise the Lord through the whole event and had His peace which surpasses all understanding!

We want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and want to praise His wonderful Name that not only was THE Savior born to us and that is what we are celebrating, but more so that we have recieved His gift and are blessed to live for HIM!

God Bless you all and enjoy your Christmas; celebrating the reason each of us support this ministry to spread the gospel!

We love you all!
Justin, Bobbi Ann, Kevin and Annika :)

Sunday, December 12, 2010



Well Jesus is still alive and well...He sits in Heaven and does as He pleases! AMEN!

I updated the blog last week and normally would try to update it again tomorrow morning, but tonight Justin decided that Annika and I should rest. She is not here yet, but with as busy as we have been, Justin thought it would be best for me to slow down a little when we have chances so that she doesn't get here too early! However, deep down i think he i hoping we get to share Christmas with her (she is due the 3rd).

We want to take an opportunity to praise the Lord for a healthy pregnancy! God has protected this pregnancy and kept us busy for Him and His provision has been amazing!...We also thank Him for the Spirit he has given us, that even if He didn't provide the way He has we would still be Praising Him for the opportunity to serve Him!

We had the privelage to visit 2nd Baptist Church of Siloam Springs. We thank you all for your continual support as well and your faith in Christ Jesus to see that missionaries have the ability to be overseas and in the States to spread the gospel! The fellowship was INCREDIBLE as well!

This week I will get to join the women in the Cassville Church Body for their Christmas fellowship as we also lift up a sister who would have been leading the devotion, but had to leave town for a death in their family. The praise is that the lady who went to be with the Lord recieved His gift a few weeks ago!

We also have a dinner this week for the pastors that have been raised up from the Piney Point Church and their wives. On Wednesday we get the privelage of meeting with Charity Baptist Church in Rogers! Then more doctors appointments and wrapping Christmas presents at LifeWay to raise money for Haiti Missions!

My brother will be in town this weekend with his wife and daughter! :) and Piney Point is hosting a Christmas Drama Saturday night and Sunday morning!

We love you all and are thankful for you in our lives and in the ministry the Lord has entrusted to us.

Bondye Beni Ou - God Bless You
The White Family

Friday, December 3, 2010


well here it is the end of the week again and I realize that I haven't updated you all in over a week! I apologize once again for the late post! I could come up with a million excuses, but once again, it is simpler just to say that a life as a missionary even when back in the states is just as busy and sometimes unorganized! :)

So since i updated everyone last here are some of the happenings:

My parents left for Haiti before thanksgiving for a wedding that was happening there on Thursday! They had a great trip and safe travels; Praise the Lord!

While they were gone i was able to decorate their house for them for Christmas and celebrate thanksgiving with our other parents (Justin's parents)! We were able to visit with much family and had a blast. I also got to spend time with my niece while my brother and sister attempted some of that black friday shopping!

On Sunday evening we enjoyed a wonderful presentation with Lakeside Baptist Church. My emphasis on the word wonderful has nothing to do with how we presented, but with the great love we were greeted into the church body with and the response afterward! What a great fellowship with brothers and sisters in Christ!

I was blesssed with attending mine and Annika's baby shower this monday as well. We raised enough money for diapers :)...then we found a lil bit of a less expensive brand of diapers on line and were also able to purchase a few other necessities for the baby as well as are being given a lightly used pack n play and recieved of course some adorable cloths (what baby cloths aren't adorable!).

Wednesday night at Piney Point was another great message on prayer and really got my husband and i focused on prayer for the crusade, which we had sadly not been full heart praying for previously. We thank the Lord for opening our eyes and breaking our hearts for souls to be saved at the crusade this upcoming weekend at Piney Point (call if you'd like to attend 6pm dinner 7pm service).

And then for a final catch up, yesterday was my last appointment for every other week and we are already now going to the dr. once a week, as lil ms. annika should be here in one month from today!! The dr. said everything looks really good, especially for a first time pregnancy. She said the baby's head is really low, but she made it seem like it was a good thing, not that we should be expecting any early birthing! :) Then last night we enjoyed our thanksgiving meal with my parents and siblings (since they were in Haiti the week before and we already had all the food!). It was a blessing to sit around and hear what everyone was thankful for. The greatest joy i had was hearing all the growth and strength in the individual marriages and just to know the Lord is strong in my parents lives, my siblings lives and the lives of Justin and I as couples. Also what a blessing it is to have my sister here from Haiti!

On Sunday we get to visit with and look forward to seeing brothers and sisters in Christ at 2nd Baptist Church in Siloam Springs!

God Bless and hopefully I will be posting again soon!
The White Family

Monday, November 22, 2010


Hello Friends!

Not too much has happend out of the ordinary since our last post. I did forget to mention that we attended a beautiful wedding last weekend; where the gospel was presented and the Lord was the center of attention it was wonderful!

Since our last post, Kevin had another dance class and Annika had another check up. We met the doctor and she seems to be a very nice woman and I feel comfortable :) ... Now i will need to make sure i share Jesus with her! Not sure where she stands on that!

I enjoyed a fellowship Saturday night with some women of the Church and this morning had the privelage to send a card to a brother in Christ who is in prison for a poor choice of past decisions!

This week it looks like we will see our parents go to Haiti for a week, I get the privalage of visiting the Sigman's in the hospital and praying with them again and We will get to visit Lakeside Baptist Church to share our presentation on Sunday morning.

We love you all and are praying continuously!
God Bless
The Whites

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Hello Everyone!

Well, we did not have interent for the last several days so i am now updating and hope that next Monday I will be able to get back on track. I don't think there is much organization in the life of a missionary! :)

The Lord has blessed us not to have any payments or any thing that we rely on in this world. It is funny though that the things that Satan 'thinks' we rely on, he tries to attack us in those areas! We had our tires all changed and rotated when we returned to the states so that we could travel and talk to churches, etc... about the ministry. Since then we had an issue with a bent tire rim that we thought was making the car shake (terribly). Once we got that fixed it seemed the shaking was only getting worse. We then found out we had been driving around on a tire that was wore down to the metal (how the previous trips to tire shops did not catch it, we don't know, but the Lord protected us!). Then this last week the battery had a default chip in it and our car went haywire while a friend was using it. Again, the Lord handled it and we are just praising Him for protection over us all while all these things have been happening!

This last week was mostly attending events with the Piney Point Churches and this week is helping in the construction of the Piney Point Daughter Churches. :)...

I will meet Annika's doctor this Thursday (if i can find the other doctors office that they asked me to go to this one time)! :) I can not believe how close we are to having a family of 4! But i do look so forward to meeting her - we all do!

Homeschool is going wonderful and Kevin had had a good attitude lately - Praise the Lord! I have been trying to alternate subjects a little differently so he might not feel so overwhelmed as well - i hope it will continue to work.

Please keep praying for a healthy delivery as well as a healthy baby. Also pray that our paper work all goes quick and smooth once she is born so that we can return!

The election is also quickly approaching in Haiti - keep that in prayer!!

God Bless you all~ Bondye Beni Nou!
Justin, Bobbi Ann, Kevin and Annika

Wednesday, November 10, 2010



again, i would first like to apologize for not posting on Monday evening!

This last week we moved most of our items into a 'somewhat' permanent housing until Annika is born. The hope is to have a little less moving around since we are getting closer to the birth of the baby!

We also had our last small clinic appointment and next week we get to meet our doctor that will deliver Annika.

We got to visit with Hickory Creek Baptist Church this week. We gave an update on the ministry and Justin delivered a message!

On Saturday we joined the Eureka church at a chili cook off. We were able to hand out several flyers inviting people to the church as well as seeing the church actually win the cook off; it was a blessing on both parts!

So far this week we have been mostly encouraging and supporting all of the projects for the Piney Point churches!

Well, next week looks like we will get to visit cassville, so my post may come on Tuesday when we get back!

Bondye Beni Nou! God Bless you all!
The Whites


wanted to send out a quick apology for my neglecting to update the page for a while and to let everyone know that i will be getting on after church this evening to post an update! Again, i apologize and am without excuse! Praise the Lord though, we HAVE been busy for Jesus :)...will post more on our happenings later!

Bondye Beni Nou! God Bless You All!
Bobbi Ann

Monday, November 1, 2010


Well we wrapped up October this last week! Our Missions Encouragement classes are completed and we are grateful to those at Beaver Lake Aviation for allowing us to use a meeting room. We also want to thank those of you who were able to come out for those classes and learn about who is called, where we are called and more!

Kevin has started to participate more in homeschooling and actually allowing himself to be schooled rather than doing his own thing (this is a huge praise). So now as the next couple of weeks come together I have been able to plan more unit studies and fun school days as well as hoping to make field trips possible!

Justin and I have been involved this week with the Piney Point churches and helping where we could as well as attending several events. We also be attending a funeral today for Brother Fred Spencer, who was the first pastor at Piney Point Baptist Church. We had the privelage of hearing him teach for several weeks in Cassville, MO.

For pastor appreciation week Justin and I were given a night stay in Rogers and a night of babysitting offer! This is a huge for us and we appreciate it very much! We are more thankful that we get to serve the Lord every day! It is nice when things like this come up, but our eyes are set on the upward prize! :)

Next Sunday we look forward to visiting our brothers and sisters in Christ at Hickory Creek Baptist Church!

We love you all and are thankful the Lord has put you in our paths...please continue or start to email us with your prayer requests and just let us know what is going on and how things are going!

God Bless!
Justin, Bobbi Ann, Kevin and Annika (coming soon! - on wed. we will have 2 months left!)

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Hello Friends,

Well last week was mostly assisting in the Piney Point ministry and the ministries of the sister churches. Justin was put to work this week: painting, weed eating, etc...

Bobbi Ann has been focused on homeschooling, packing and moving our family around...we have been blessed to stay with some great friends this week in Northwest Arkansas. Also, I believe I am nesting! :)

Kevin has been busy, well, being Kevin. He has been completing homeschool and enjoying being a kid.

We have been able to enjoy a little of the outdoors as a family!! Today Justin and I decided on prefolds for our cloth diapers...Not only were they the most cost friendly, they also seemed just simple enough and perfect! We are getting very excited!

We love you all - hope to share some more next week; maybe we will have more to share! :)

God Bless you all!!
Justin, Bobbi Ann, Kevin and Annika

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Hello and I begin with an apology for waiting until tuesday to get this blog out.

We once again thank each of you for your support and for following us on this blog! We were previously gone on our last big trip (maybe ;) before we head back to Haiti (which we are hoping will be in Feb.). We had the privelage of staying with our great friends and brother and sister in Christ in Texas while giving our presentation at two churches. Both pastors and their congregations were welcoming. The Lord blessed this trip by also allowing me to visit with our sisters at Calvary Baptist for their women's retreat. Fellowship was wonderful in Surfside with the women and the sermon we were able to hear Sunday morning really blessed us!

So for the last week we spent our time in Texas visiting 2 churches and a conference. I also was blessed just last night with a few beautiful flowers from my husband. Today Justin was blessed to be able to help the Piney Point Ministry. We also were able to take a field trip yesterday to Pea Ridge military park and it is always interesting to see what different things Kevin picks up on anytime we get to visit there.

The forthcoming weeks look mostly like being involved in the Piney Point and sister chcurches area. Of course there are a few churches in the NWA area we will be visiting and I will keep everyone posted, and we are trying to visit others that we either need to contact or get back in touch with.

God Bless you all!
Justin, Bobbi Ann, Kevin and Annika

Monday, October 11, 2010


Great Monday!

Hello all! Well, we spent most of our time this week at the Revival in Pea Ridge and were blessed to rejoice with recieving new brothers and sisters into the family of the Lord this week (a total of 18 souls)!

During the day times this last week; Kevin and I struggled with homeschooling and my prayer is that he realizes there is no way that school should have to last all day and that this week will be better. We did end the week by having lunch together out of the house and away from everything, just the two of us. It was a great experience. Kevin prayed for our waitress and we also invited her to revival. Justin drove to bring back a friend they made while alligator hunting in Louisianna :)...then spent most of his days helping prepare for the revival.

Tomorrow we leave for Texas. On Wednesday night and Sunday morning we have a presentation at different churches. Thursday through Saturday I will have the privelage of joining Sherry Ketring and some others from our churches in Galveston for a women's retreat with our sisters from Calvary Baptist in Hunstville, TX :) (I am very excited).

The following week we will be blessed again to stay with some of our friends and a brother and sister in Christ here in Rogers! The Lord has blessed us with brothers and sisters who open their homes to us and we are very greatful. We are also continually greatful for the prayers and support of each of you who follow us to know where the Lord has us!

*p.s. the nesting process has begun as I prepare for our return to Haiti as well as the arrival of Annika (it is a little different when you don't have a permanent residency and there is much paper work involved in going overseas!

God Bless you all!
The White Family - soon to return to Haiti and working for the Lord where we are each day!

Monday, October 4, 2010


Hello Everyone!

Well i thought sunday would be the official blog update day, however i am thinking i need to officially change that to Mondays since we are always so busy on Sundays that it never gets done!

Well in the last week we homeschooled, had a doctors appointment for Annika and got to visit 1st Baptist Church Bentonville. Thos were our sort of hightlights of the week.

Annika is 26 weeks old and we will now officially see the doctor every 2 weeks. Kevin is doing just fine with homeschooling and an occasional hands on day is in order, otherwise he very much just likes to read the work and answer the questions and be finished :)...he is very smart, so as long as he is learning we will work with what works best with him and what he enjoys most.

We had a wonderful visit last night with the 1st Baptist church of Bentonville. They had a great worship lead by the youth choir and then we were also blessed to share our presentation with them.

Our sister, JoJo, got married on Saturday :) and made a most beautiful bride. Her uniting family now makes for 17 stockings at Christmas! We are blessed with a wonderful family!

This next week looks like more phone calls to try to get into churches. There will be some follow up on my end as well as printing newsletters from last month for some of our supporters (we have been out of printer ink, so i apologize for the delay) and we will also be encouraging Cross Roads Baptist Church in Pea Ridge, AR. Please come out if you can starting Wednesday night through the rest of the week: Revival, dinner at 6pm revival services at 7pm.

God Bless and we love you all
The White Family

Monday, September 27, 2010


Hello all!

Well this last week as i said was Tennessee week! We got a nice week vacation with my parents. We had several opportunities that we were able to witness as well as fellowship with a church that loved the Lord!

Tonight we had our 2nd Missions Encouragement class. We discovered our resource, talent and learned for application. Our final class will be the last monday night of October at 6pm.

Next Sunday we will be 1st Baptist Church of Bentonville. We also have another trip planned to Texas in october.

We will let you know the happenings next week!

God Bless you all!
The White Family

Saturday, September 18, 2010


Hello Friends!

Again, thank you all so much for your love, support and prayers. We have had great opportunities this week.

Last Sunday morning Justin gave a great sermon from the Lord at Piney Point. We also got to encourage the Cross Point Church in Eureka that evening. On Monday Justin contacted several pastors and were able make commitments to visit three churches and give our presentation (which consists of encouraging others into missions and of course seeking support for the Lord's work in Haiti through our family). We do know now that we will be visiting Texas again in October :)! It will be between the Calvary Baptist Women's event also, so i am hoping to join our sisters at that church for their event :). We did need to change the date for our visit with the First Baptist Church of Bentonville. We will now be speaking there on Sunday night, October 3rd. We look forward to seeing Brother Philip Smith again! Thursday night Justin had the privilege of speaking for the men at the Piney Point Men's Study and spoke on Galations 2:20.

We had a great homeschool week! We even were able to start a few schience labs finally! Hoping we can find some caterpillars this upcoming week. The only hard part of traveling and having observation labs is leaving your labs or even traveling with them, but we are doing what we can!

Friday we spent all day driving to join our parents in Tennessee, which is where we are now! We were invited on a week vacation with them. Kevin just learned about land regions and so much more that we were able to apply on the trip down, it was a lot of fun! We also had several witnessing opportunities, which is always encouraging!

Today was our first actual day in Tennessee. We went into Gatlinburg, TN and walked through most of the town. They have some very interesting things: great clothing (my thing, even though i can't bring myself to spend money on anything :), haunted houses (which Justin likes), game places (Kevin's thing)and just a ton of family activities! We hope this week will be relaxing and allow Justin and I to have a much needed date as well as the three and 1/2 of us to catch up on some much needed family time; we have been running a lot lately! However, even in the midst of vacationing, we know our hearts is in spreading the gospel and so we are taking that opportunity here in Tennessee :). We also could never forget our great brothers and sisters who support us in love, prayer and financial. We love you all and will write again next week to let you know what the Lord has allowed to happen for His kingdom in Tennessee!

Bondye Beni Nou,
The White Family
Justin, Bobbi Ann, Kevin and Annika (she is getting big; or at least momma is!)

Monday, September 13, 2010



This was not as eventful of a week as usual. Justin was able to reach several people this week and we were able to get dates from 4 pastors to talk to their church family. This includes making another trip to Texas this October. We are looking forward to seeing everyone again. I am also hoping to join the women in their annual conference while we are down.

We had our appointment with the clinic this week again and the baby seems to be healthy and I seem to have gained 8lbs which made the doctor very happy. Today we also recieved a card letting us know we got approved for Medicaid. This is a huge praise, as the Lord has taken care of all of the finances for the pregnancy and birth through Medicaid!

Kevin had a rough start with homeschool. He woke up at 4am the first day and by 9am the lack of sleep hit him like a ton of bricks and nap time kept us going with school until late afternoon. The second day he also caused schooling to last late into the day, but the third day he completed all of his work in 3 hours and was so excited to see how quick homeschooling went that we haven't had any problem since!

Justin stayed in Louisiana a couple of extra days and joined in an opportunity to alligator hunt! He did kill an alligator and I did not ask for any details until they all returned safely; :) Which they did.

Well, next week we will be in Tenessee for a week, thanks to my parents. They are on vacation and have invited us to join them for a week. It will be a nice time to spend alone with our family.

Please let us know what prayers we can be lifting up for everyone! We love you all and are so thankful for your continued support. Remember, if we can come speak to your church family we would love the opportunity. Email us your prayer requests or any other requests you have:

God Bless,
Justin, Bobbi Ann, Kevin and Annika

Sunday, September 5, 2010



Good Sunday everyone! Well, it may be VERY late but I would really like to try to stick to Sunday posts so i am gonna give you an over view of Thursday, Friday, Saturday and today!

This week we got approved for food stamps so we can help those we stay with (huge blessing). We recieved our card for that this week.

Friday morning at 5am Justin left for Milldale, L.A. He is attending the Fires of Revival conference..and today i discovered that he will be staying a couple of extra days to be able to alligator hunt (interesting).

Kevin and I have been enjoying mom/son time and getting a lot done as far as organizing and preparing for homeschool, which starts tomorrow morning! We get to start with a few subject and then try to find and collect caterpillars and make a habitat for them as well as plant some seeds (looking forward to this!).

This week we won't really have any church visits until Justin returns, so I am going to try to get some baby stuff organized and of course Kevin and I will learn a routine for school!

Please keep us updated in what is happening in all of your lives! We are praying daily and want to know if there are any specifics we can pray for.

Bondye Beni Ou
The Whites

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

September Starting


Once again I apologize for a late post. We had the privelage of staying with another family in Christ this last week and my computer did not get much attention.

Well, starting with last week: We returned from St. Louis and had a great time and also were able to speak to some pastors who will hopefully have us back again this fall to give our presentation. Over all, we had a great fellowship with brothers and sisters in Christ.

On Friday night I was able to join with many of the pastors wives from Piney Point and study on prayer. I learned a lot, saw areas where I need to grow and was encouraged in areas. Tonight we were blessed to visit with His Way Fellowship.

Justin will be gone all week at the Fires of Revival Conference in Milldale, LA. I will be trying to get as much together as possible to begin Kevin's homeschooling on Monday.

I will try to make the next post on Sunday this week!!

God Bless!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

August Wrapping Up

Nou travay anpil denmen semen; mem toujou! (We worked a lot last week; same as always!)
Well, as per usual we had a busy week. And, as per usual, we would not be happier doing anything other than being busy for our Lord! This week we finished our new brochures and envelopes to give to churches and individuals as we visit. We also prepared for our St. Louis Trip. We left for St. Louis Friday morning. Thursday we had a teacher’s workshop, to learn more tips on homeschooling and Justin and Kevin enjoyed a men’s study. Friday morning I met with my mom and she helped me to prepare for our homeschooling endeavors this year and then we were off to St. Louis. Saturday we went to the St. Louis Zoo as a family. This morning we went visited grandma’s congregation and had the opportunity to encourage and be encouraged by her pastor. On Monday and Tuesday we will be basically ‘cold calling’ pastors. We will visit churches and try to talk to as many pastors as possible for future opportunities to share our presentation with their church, as well as leaving them with information on the ministry.
Thank you all for your prayers and keep them up! Also, let us know what we can pray for in each of your lives!

Bondye beni ou (God bless you),
The White Family,
Justin, Bobbi Ann, Kevin and Annika (Stitch)

Tuesday, August 17, 2010



Hello friends! Once again it was a busy week in the White family. Most of this week was kid week. We had several appointments to assure Annika's health...that's right, we found out we are having a little baby girl! Annika Tyla Marie White! All is well and she is healthy. I also found out that I am now at 20 weeks :) My how fast those first several weeks seemed to go! Now we get to wait a while for our next appointment and continue to experience her little kicks and punches!

This week was also Kevin's birthday. He is now 8 years old! we had a small party for him on Monday (yesterday) and let him play with his friends. He had an amazing cake from Terry, a sister in Christ. He also enjoyed spending time with everyone and getting boy gifts! So thankful for the love everyone showed to him!

Justin and I are finishing touches and ordering our new brochures this week. We are also calling several pastors to try to visit churches. This next week we will also be headin to St.Louis. We will visit family and churches as well as get to see the Science Center on one of Kevin's field trips! (We may even try for the Zoo)

This week is also the beggining of organizing and preparing for school! This is very exciting for me and also a lot to take in. My prayer and hope is that Kevin and I will work together for schooling and he will enjoy all we do...I pray that we find a way of teaching and learning that works for us and that we cover all the Lord has in store for him.

For now, God bless and we love you all and are always so thankful for each of you in our lives.

The White Family,
Justin, Bobbi Ann, Kevin and Annika

Monday, August 9, 2010

Calvary Baptist Church Revival

Hello family and friends!

Your continued prayers, love and support encourage us daily and have been a blessing! We once again had a busy week! It is incredible the difference in pase between the country of Haiti and the U.S.

We spent last week in Huntsville, TX at Calvary Baptist Church and were blessed by evening services each day of the week! The services were based on which Jesus we serve, the Jesus of the Bible or a Jesus we created. It was a huge blessing and another great experience for each of us!

While in Huntsville we were to meet with 3 other pastors to talk about giving our presentation at their churches. The first one forgot about our appointment and was kind enough to still meet with us, however, when he came to meet with us he was delayed due to his car over heating. The next meeting we had was a blessing because it was scheduled at the last minute. Unfortunately I also woke up that morning extremely sick and was sick the entire day. Justin went to visit the pastor on his own, only to get lost and never make it. However, once we spoke to both pastors they agreed to have us visit their churches to share our presentation this fall! What a blessing that through road blocks the Lord still allowed us to visit the churches! The third church we were actually able to visit and give our presentation and we were incredibly blessed by the response of the church members. They were a very loving church, as Calvary had been all week as well, and they welcomed us with open hearts to the mission field! Over all the trip was a huge blessing as usual and an opportunity for our awesome God to recieve glory!

Other than that we just arrived back to Arkansas today and this last week was a baby experience. During our trip we got to feel Stitch kick and in just a few more appointments we should be able to get an ultra sound and find out the baby's gender. Please pray that we will be able to recieve medicaid assistance. We only recieve a small portion of the commitments made for living each month, the rest goes to growing the ministry!!! So please join us in praying for this medical assistance! We love you all and will post you with all of the happenings of this week at the end of the week.

Also, all who are interested: we are having a birthday party for Kevin's 8th birthday on Monday at 5pm (august 16th) Please call if you want to come or email and I will get you directions!

God Bless
The White Family,
Justin, Bobbi Ann, Kevin and Stitch

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Sorry, we are late

Hello family and friends! Sorry that i am once again late in posting our blog this week. We left on Sunday immediately after church for Huntsville, TX and have been doing revival services each night here since. There is no good excuse as we will hopefully always be busy for the Lord, but we do pray you will be patient with us and know we haven't forgotten to keep you all up to date of the ministry going ons!

Once again we thank you all for your love, support and prayers! We have been busy busy busy since we have been back. Justin and I have been striking up small Creole conversations with each other as well as occasionally with our Haitian sister. Kevin will spout out bits of it as he did in Haiti.

Justin spent a lot of time the first week back in Arkansas helping the Eureka Springs church crew get some physical work done to the church building and move the bella vista church. He also got to help his brother get a little work done so that his brother could be closer to his ministry in Rogers.

Kevin took this week to catch up with papas and nonny and cousins. He also re aquainted himself with his toys at his nonny's house!

Stitch and I (and when Justin was available, him too)updated some things on our car to prepare it for traveling again, sat down and prepared for the months to come and worked out housing for our family (thank you to so many who have opened their homes for us) and we also had our first clinic appointment (where i was able to hear stitch's heartbeat). We also found out that I am about 18 weeks along and am probably due around January 3rd. We also got to feel the first kicks this week!

Right now we are in Texas. We are working with the mission team down here in various areas during the day and attending revival services each night. We are also meeting with 3 other pastors of other churches this week about the ministry in Haiti.

We love you all and I will keep you all posted as we have a busy month!!! Staying focused on Jesus and winning lost souls to the kingdom!

Bondye Beni Ou!
The White Family,
Justin, Bobbi Ann, Kevin and Stitch

Sunday, July 25, 2010

1st Week Away


This is our first week away from Haiti. We have eaten lots of American foods and enjoyed sermons in English! Starting again we want to thank you all for your prayers. We have been still focused on and desire to win souls to the Kingdom of God, no matter where we are, which is first and foremost important!

Justin breaks out in Creole usually at least once a day for a time period and i follow, occassionaly Kevin will give it a try too! It usually becomes a fun thing for us as well, as the rest of the family around us gets a kick out of trying to figure out what we are saying.

Along with the above information, this week has been a week of adjusting. We have unpacked and done a TON of laundry, with much still left to do!

Tonight we will meet with Pastor Chuck so we can look at the month of August and all the plans we have: plans ranging from church events that we need to attend, preparing for presentations and trips of where to show the presentations, finances to date for the ministry, setting up and preparing for insurance and doctors appointments for Stitch and much more! We won't be bored waiting for our move back to Haiti, that has become evident and we couldn't be more excited about all we have going on for our King!

Again, thank you always for your prayers and love! We ask for prayers of focus; Justin and I are both closer in our walk now than we have ever been and desire to keep growing and not be distracted by the things of the world, particularly the comforts of American resources!

Bondye Beni Ou!
The White Family,
Justin, Bobbi Ann, Kevin and Stitch

Thursday, July 22, 2010

The States

Well, we made it back to the states. But we will start from the beginning of the week. Monday through Friday were pretty eventless days. We tried for some pomdetet (potatoes) at the market the first couple of days, but by the end of the week we surrendered and decided to mac and cheese it until we left on Saturday. We spent a lot of time cleaning and packing and also getting in the most we could in speaking and listening to the language (Creole).
Saturday we left Mole St. Nicolas to fly to Port au Prince. Everyone enjoyed the tiny puddle hopper plane. Until the landing when Stitch decided we don’t like landing planes! But we survived! We then went to the Haiti airport and were able to find Creole Bibles!! We had been on the hunt for them since we got to Haiti and the day we left we found them! Now in the churches in Haiti they preach from the French translation Bibles; however, we figure to reach the untold, uneducated people of Haiti who know no French we should be practicing the Creole translation! Finding these was a praise. We were able to get two bibles for about the price we would pay for 1 English translation Bible in the U.S., which is also a huge praise for being sold in the airport.
So Saturday evening Pastor Kennan’s son, Emory, picked us up from the airport. When we got to the house and we were asking Emory to take us back to the airport at 6:00am the next morning for our flight back to Arkansas. Then Emory told us to call my dad from ‘the box’. He pointed to a fed ex box on the table. We were a bit confused, having no phone to call with and not knowing what was in this box. When we opened the box these are the contents we pulled out: 2 pickles (for stitch), socks (for bobbi), a go phone (for all, mostly Justin) with minutes already put on it as well as text messages with pictures of our family, pages from a photo album when the Sackman family had gone to Disney World years ago, and then a stack of papers. The paper contents were confirmation letters for the following: A rent a car convertible, a gift card with money for food and gas, a 3 night stay in a hotel outside Orlando, and 3 -2 day passes to Disney World! All of us were first upset because we so badly wanted to see our family, then we were incredibly humbled. We knew this was not something we deserved or even earned in anyway. Then we recognized and completely praised the Lord for His blessings in our lives and of course the last two days have enjoyed venturing around Disney World. Therefore, I’d like to apologize for the delay in our blog this week. I tried to connect to the internet in our hotel, but we were unable to get through and the second two nights we fell asleep as soon as we got to our hotel.
The biggest blessing in the whole experience and gift that we had received was to see how much we had grown and continue to grow in our walks with the Lord. Kevin still is boy and a kid, he has become slightly more grateful, but may have the most trouble coming back into a society where everything is at your fingertips (please keep his in prayer for this). Justin was able to share his testimony so many times and throughout the whole experience he used every opportunity we had to bless someone else! I was surprised at how verbal I was to talk to people and share our testimony…I had no intimidation to talk to people, whereas before I was always worried about intruding into someone’s life, now I realize how sacred and special each life is and how important it is not to interrupt it! This past 9 ½ weeks and 3 days have been amazing for each of us as individuals as well as a family. God has done and we know will continue to do so much to bring glory to Himself and we look forward to seeing His glory!
As a side note: it is difficult when walking around a theme park with people speaking several different languages, to figure out which language you should be speaking (Creole or English) hahaha. It was fun to even watch Kevin take a minute to answer people when they spoke to him in English, because he had been so use to Creole questions.
Thank you all so much for the blessings you are in our lives. Your prayers of encouragement and love allow our hearts to be focused on the King and winning souls to His kingdom. Thank you for your love, prayers and support.

Bondye Beni Ou – God Bless You!
The White Family,
Justin, Bobbi Ann, Kevin and Stitch (who has been very content with the American foods we have selected lately!)

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Last Week coming

We are about to start our 9th and final week here for this trip!
Well, we spent the last 3 ½ days in Bombard, Haiti. That was a wonderful experience. First of all we can’t express how thankful we were for the cooler weather! The house we stayed in was covered by shade trees! We also experienced throughout our stay the battle of giant moths and lizards (it was amusing)! Pastor Kennan took us with his family to Bombard for an annual church conference. We had morning and evening services as well as classes during the day. Justin had the privilege of speaking to adults on sexual education. Most of them were shocked that sex is very open in the United States (using sexual innuendos in advertisement, public schools teaching kids about safe sex, etc…). However, he did wonderfully and I had never been more thankful that I needed to watch Kevin and did not have to use what little Creole I knew to teach such a topic 
I told Kevin we weren’t going to be able to take any toys with us to Bombard, but it would make him learn to appreciate his toys that much more (it sure made me appreciate his toys that much more!). Eventually though with the lack of nothing to do, Kevin carried around Justin’s Creole Made Easy book and studied and had a blast learning the language. He even quickly (quicker than me) picked up on the different vowel pronunciations and was pronouncing things correctly! However, this was a huge praise. We just made it back to Mole this evening as well and Kevin had already asked for and is looking through the Creole Made Easy book, even with his toys at his convenience! PRAISE THE LORD!
This week we will still be practicing Creole. We still need to go to the market, with only macaroni and cheese and roman noodle soup left! Then we also have a lot of cleaning to get done before we leave. We have been extremely blessed with the opportunity to stay with Pastor Kennan and his family while learning the language. Please continue to pray for us that we will have the patience to practice our Creole without actively speaking Haitians surrounding us in the States! We have been speaking to each other off and on in Creole, however, when you can’t find the words for a whole sentence it becomes easy to default to English!
Stitch is looking very forward to having some American foods soon! In Bombard Stitch was spoiled with bread, BBQ beef and ground beef!! It is such a crazy change to go from living in a country where beef is almost a stable food, to a country where you are excited to get beef!
We look very forward to seeing everyone! We have been so blessed already on this trip and I have no doubt the Lord intends to work in this last week as well! Our prayers have been with you all and we are thankful for your prayers for our family and the Lords work.
A testimony from a young girl this weekend: (background: in Haiti the Catholic Church does not teach that Jesus is the way to Heaven and often times are the gateway to Voodoo) A young girl came forward for prayer. She was having some trouble financially for food in her life, but found joy in her salvation knowing the Lord would provide. This young girl has a physical handicap with little control over her physical movements. The catholic priest found pity on her and came to her one day and told her that he wanted to help her and support her, but she would need to get baptized in the Catholic Church first. She told him that her salvation was not worth trading for food. She said that she trusted the Lord to provide for her. What a praise and wonderful thing to hear!
God Bless you all! Bondye Beni Nou!
The White Family
Justin, Bobbi Ann, Kevin and Stitch

Monday, July 5, 2010

2 Weeks Left

Here we are, only 2 weeks from going back to the states! Ahhh!!! In our shoes the view is only 2 weeks left to become more confident and fluent in Creole!
This last week was more eventful than the previous and the next week, well, I am not even sure I am prepared for what is to come.
Over this last week our family has grown closer to the Lord and Kevin is growing in learning the importance of obedience! He started the week off again not really wanting to play with any children here or be involved with anyone; then He actually slowed down and listened to the children and has even become less agitated and more patient in listening to us speak Creole to him. We are praising the Lord for his growth! Please continue to pray for Kevin and I though as we will apply Creole to our schooling this fall. We will be speaking it in the states regularly in Creole; however, applying it to school could be frustrating at times and we would both love your prayers!
After being use to all the adjustments to a third world country (cooking, shopping, long periods with no electricity, etc…) I almost forgot we were somewhere different. Then I have to share with you that a 4 a.m. battle with flashlight in hand against a Haitian lizard to win the toilet reminds you quickly that you aren’t ‘in Kansas anymore’! There are many humbling events of being overseas!
Justin was able to speak to the youth this week in Creole. He did a great job and had it all prepared and written out in Creole. However, after he finished he decided the next night (last night) when he was going to give his testimony to the church in Creole that he wouldn’t write it down. He did a great job! He spoke for several minutes and the church was very responsive. Their favorite part after he listed all his sin he was living in, was when Jesus saved his soul and changed his heart! (That is my favorite part too!) He is doing so well with his Creole…in fact; Pastor Kennan’s confidence in him is allowing Justin to also speak to the adult this coming week in Bambard on Sexual Education. No pressure!
Stitch and I are doing great. As always we don’t like the heat, but we are really pushing through the days and I am feeling confident of where I am in Creole so far. I know I have so much further to go, but I also know that the Lord will continue to work and one day I’ll be fluent!
This week we are going to join Pastor Kennan and his family in Bambard for a yearly conference where he will be preaching. We will be there from Thursday to Sunday. Then Pastor Kennan will take madam and go to Port au Prince Monday and come back to fly out of Mole with us the following Saturday morning! Busy busy busy! Praising the Lord that I won’t have a ton to pack seeing as we can leave the things for permanent residents in the country!!
God Bless you all! - We love you!
The White Family
Justin, Bobbi Ann, Kevin and Stitch

Monday, June 28, 2010

3 Weeks to go

Bonjou! Good Day!

What an adventure this week was for us. It may not sound exciting, but learning a new culture is fun and a little tough! As I mentioned last week we had finished our lessons in our Creole Made Easy books and moved on to our workbooks (although our dictionaries in the Creole Made Easy books are still getting plenty of daily use!). The workbook however has many daily lessons that the other did not and now we are learning all hosuehold items, numbers, how to tell time, colors, months, season and more! Justin has the numbers down really well (i'm a little hung up on them still). The nice things this week is that we have begun to use the market and that really helps to practice not only our numbers but learning how the money works here. I'll give you a little insight. Most everyone tells you how much something is in 'Haitian Dollars', the thing is, Haitian dollars don't really exsist. So once you know how much it is in Haitian Dollars you can divide by 7 to know how much that is in American Dollars or if you are paying with Goud, which is what we are using, you multiply by 5. Oh yeah, it is a load of math and now that we get it, kind of fun! I always figure how much it is in American first to make sure I am not paying more than I would at the store then we multiply by 5 to pay. Another nice thing about going to the Market this week is that we don't have to eat the same things over and over again everyday! Fresh potatos and corn are really nice for a change!

Again, Kevin is using more and more Creole words, which is a blessing. When we get back to the states I look forward to seeing the mound of homeschooling books and literature books his grandma has been finding for us for this fall! He says he wants to learn his multiplication tables this year and how to play the drums (yikes!). Music is a big thing in Haiti though and I am excited to see him catch on to that desire! Not sure if i am ready for a new crying baby and drums all in the same year though! But the blessing it has been to see him grow and want to try new things out weighs all of the chaos!

We also became 'true' Haitians this week. As we were cleaning our rooms the other day we saw white people next door and started watching out the window (watching the white people like the Haitians do hahaha)...we were able to speek to them later and find out they were students in the Mission Field and doing reports.

Well, for now that is the extent and excitement of the previous week. We have 3 weeks to go and Stitch is long awaiting pickles! We are very excited to see everyone soon, but also to remain focused and continue in the ministry of overseas missionaries!

Bondye Beni Nou!
God Bless you!
The White Family,
Justin, Bobbi Ann, Kevin and Stitch (who is starting to show by the way)!!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Learning More and More

Nou fini tout leson nan liv nou! We finished all the lessons in our book!
Well, at the beginning of this week we finished our lessons in our Creole made easy book and have began working in our workbooks! I must say, it is encouraging when you can read a paragraph in Creole and write it in English and when you read sentences in English and can translate them to Creole. Then I remember that is because I can read it and write it as my own speed! Hahaha
Besides working in our workbooks we are also still memorizing vocabulary words, as there are several we have yet to learn. We try to choose about 10-20 each day of words we find ourselves wanting to use a lot or that we hear often then we just go through the dictionary and pick a few to know as well!
Kevin sat through both church services fairly well today! YEAH – VICTORY!
Stitch has been yucky all week and then yesterday and today has been amazing! I did get over heated in church this morning but this evening was breezy and wonderful!
We were even able to catch a bit of the sermon tonight. Then once Pastor Joseph got fired up and excited we totally lost complete thoughts and only hung by words here and there! It was still exciting and is exciting to know that we are progressing! Praise the Lord for His desire for a personal relationship with His people and desire to use us!
We were able to talk to Pastor Kennan this week and find out more information about some of His churches as well as things about the country of Haiti! It is interesting picking up on the culture as well as the language. We went walking for quite a while the other day and found several small stores and was able to speak with people, it was a wonderful outing and another great encouragement to meet the people!

Sunday, June 13, 2010


Bonswa Zanmi Nou! Kouman nou ye? Nou ekri pou semenn kat!

Good Evening our friends! How are you (all)? We write for week four!

There is not a ton of new information to pass on this week! God is still God and sits in the Heavens and does as He pleases! Praise the Lord!

We are beggining to understand everyone a little bit better with each passing day. Yesterday I (Bobbi Ann) had a headache all day (tet fe mal) and boy did that make it difficult to listen!! Again though, the Lord reigns and today we sat through church service and were actually able to follow somewhat! Praise the Lord!

We have been doing family bible studies each evening in English though so that we are being filled with the Word. We also have our individual quiet time with the Lord in the mornings before we begin studying our Creole.

We again want to thank you all for your prayers and love and support! You have all been such a blessing to our family and give us so much encouragement! Our prayers are still being lifted that the Lord would show us where He wants us to be and what He wants us to be doing (while of course evangelising) when we return in Jan.

With love and praises to the Lord from Haiti,
The White Family
Justin, Bobbi Ann, Kevin and Stitch

Monday, June 7, 2010

Week 2 of Language Learning

Li te pran kawoutchou la nan magezen a pou repare!

He took the tire to the store for repair!

Well, we actually know more than this and useful information as well, but we we have enjoyed the word tire in Creole since we had it in one of our lessons and because of how fun it is to say we will probably not forget it (kawoutcho)!

I just wrote out a long blog about the happenings here and the Triumphs that our Lord has had in our lives and the computer deleted it all, however, the Lord is worthy and worthy to be praised so I rejoice in the opportunity to try to inform you all once again!

Justin had swimmer's ear the first several days after the mission team left, which left him deaf in his left ear. This made it interesting for me to have to try to understand Creole when being spoken too, but possibly also helped me to learn a little better. Justin has since recovered and can hear from both ears *Triumph*

Kevin has adjusted very well to the culture in the last couple of days. He struggled with rules and obedience after our family and friends left, however has since enjoyed trying to learn Creole and playing with the children here. He does need prayer for patience in learning the language as well as constant encouragement to apply the words he already knows!

Stitch *baby* is doing well. If i get extremely hot I sometimes have found myself sick, but if I need to leave a conversation for a few minutes to cool off everyone has been very understanding! I had one day of being sick the entire day, but again the Lord triumphed and I am doing much better.

During an evening service at pastor Kenan's church the other night I closed my eyes and listened to the singing and even though I could not understand, I could not help but to hear the beauty of one day all of the saints from around the world singing praises to our King in one language... it was beautiful and encouraging.

We want to thank everyone for your love, prayers and support. If we were to ask for specific prayer requests right now it would be for more understanding when hearing the language spoken!

Bondye beni ou! - God bless you

The White Family
Justin, Bobbi Ann, Kevin and Stitch

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

We are Here

Bonswa zonmi nou! - Good Evening our friends!

We made it to Haiti last week and my apology for this being our first post. 18 people sharing one webband access did not allow me to get on sooner, but while everyone is away swimming I have decided to update you on the going ons so far.

Justin and I have been practicing and have learned some Creole, but still have a far way to go. Kevin will begin to learn this week too, but he has been spending his extra time with his grandparents who leave tomorrow. We have had a crusade each night for the last week and have seen SEVERAL recieve Jesus Christ! We are still needing lots of prayer that we will stay focused on winning souls ALWAYS and that we will continue to soak up the language. Once the mission team leaves we will spend all day practicing the language and then going out and practicing. We will take our break in the middle of the day each day but will continue to practice and use it in the evenings. We have been asked to join Pastor Kenan and Madam for a wedding one day in a town further away as well as a couple of days at an annual meeting Pastor Kenan hosts for his churches.

Kevin is fun to watch learn the culture. He is still unsure about holding hands with the other boys (which is a sign of friendship here). And like all 7 year old boys Kevin has already scraped up several parts of his body and has had a blast doing it! :) - please pray for him as his grandparents and our church family leave tomorrow that he will adjust well to all the changes.

For now that is all the new news I have to share and I look forward to writing next week to share the new things we have learned as well as experienced!

God Bless
Justin, Bobbi Ann, Kevin and Stitch (oh yeah, and stitch did not like flying :P)

Sunday, May 23, 2010

3 Days

Hello Family/Friends,

Well three days from now we will be waking up early and beggining a busy day of travel to Port Au Prince, Haiti! We made it very close to our goal before we left this first time for commitments and are greatful to all of you who contribute to that factor as well as thank those of you who are faithful to keep us in your prayers!

If anyone had names and phone numbers of pastors or individuals who might be interested in supporting this ministry please let us know. When we return in the Fall we hope to be able to visit each of you. Please feel free to email us at

Once in Haiti the blog will be updated weekly so until next week please email with any questions!!!

God Bless,
The White Family

Sunday, May 2, 2010

3 Weeks

Hello Family,

We leave in only a few short weeks for our first long trip to Haiti! First of all we would like to thank all of those who have just began to support this ministry. More specifically, thank you to Calvary Baptist Church in Huntsville, TX and our brothers and sisters in Christ there! Thank you to our 'Texas Parents' for taking us in again! We were also very welcomed at Hickory Creek Baptist Church here in NWA and thank you all for your love offering and your questions! If any of our blog followers ever have questions please ask!

We appreciate all of your prayers! There is still much to be done before we leave. We have an appointment on Monday to see if there are any healthier options for our malaria prevention than taking the medicine we would take for a week trip to Haiti as well as any other nutrition items we may need to keep with us. I will also be talking to the Haitian Embassy this week to look into getting our Visas as they haven't responded to my email yet so please pray that our progress in that will go well.

The newest news is that we will be adding one little missionary to our team in early January! The Lord has perfect timing; we will be having a baby at the begining of January and still leave in later January for our full time mission work in Haiti. I know there are probably several questions that come with that informaton and we would like everyone to know that we KNOW the Lord will protect our little baby in His will as He will the three of us. All of the needs will be met for this new little life!

We thank you all and want to remind you that this blog will be updated AT LEAST once a week once we are in Haiti! Please continue praying, as prayer moves the hand of the LORD.

God Bless,

The White Family

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

5 Weeks


Only 5 short weeks left! It seems to fly so quickly. This coming weekend we have the privelage of visiting our brothers and sisters in Hunstville, TX! Again, please keep praying for commitments and keep spreading the word of what we are doing as well as giving our contact information to anyone who might be interested!

We thank you all for prayers and support!

God Bless,
The White Family

Friday, April 9, 2010

7 Weeks

Dear Friends,

I wanted to let you know that we will be leaving in 7 weeks. Once we are in Hait this blog will be updated every week!

I would like to thank each of you who are supporting us. You have either come to us on your own through prayer or from another person telling you about this ministry. The Lord has opened doors through each of you and we are thankful. Please keep letting others know about our ministry, don't worry about whether you think someone can help or not, the Lord knows who to use!

7 weeks and counting :)

God Bless You All,

Justin, Bobbi Ann and Kevin

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Well, it has been three weeks and we are still busy, busy, busy. We were able to visit our family and friends in Branson and St. Louis and were encouraged. Not only did we begin sharing our presentation, we also had many opportunities to share the gospel. Justin never missed an opportunity to witness and watching him blessed my heart. I was even able to share my testimony during one of our visits. A few commitments were made and above all I would have to say that we gained the assurance of being right in the center of God's will. Once we returned we were blessed to be able to speak with the pastor of First Baptist Bentonville, who ended our conversation with prayer in the Haiti ministry (prayers are powerful and we are always so greatful for the prayers of our brothers and sisters in Christ)! Kevin's passport also arrived this week! Phone calls are still needing to be made and hopefully will always continue as long as the Lord allows, supplies are almost completed, vaccines are still needed and much more. Paul mentions in God's word that he is being 'poured out as a drink offering' and I must say that it is a praise that even when I don't know how we will squeeze everything in or what is going to happen, the Lord already has it planned and we are to surrender to His will!

We will be visiting our brothers and sisters in Texas at the end of April and would love to hear from anyone else who is interested in supporting the Lord's ministry in Haiti!

God Bless!

Saturday, March 13, 2010


Hello All,

The Lord has been opening doors already to prepare us for the mission field in Haiti. We are currently in the preparation stages. Upcoming weeks will be filled with phone calls to as many people as we know to try to raise money through $35 commitments each month for 3 years. We are also networking to find others interested in making such a commitment to support full time missions; so if you know people who may be interested please pass along our information and this page if possible. Also, you can call or email the information to us and we will get in contact with them. Preparation also consists of collecting supplies, which we have almost contained the full contents of, and getting all of our medical shots in order. At anytime we would love to answer questions and talk to anyone about where the Lord has us. Excluding previous trips to Haiti, our first endevor as full time missionaries will begin with a trip we are taking from May - August 2010 to focus solely on learning the language and of course evangalising. We will keep you posted!

Justin, Bobbi Ann & Kevin