Monday, October 4, 2010


Hello Everyone!

Well i thought sunday would be the official blog update day, however i am thinking i need to officially change that to Mondays since we are always so busy on Sundays that it never gets done!

Well in the last week we homeschooled, had a doctors appointment for Annika and got to visit 1st Baptist Church Bentonville. Thos were our sort of hightlights of the week.

Annika is 26 weeks old and we will now officially see the doctor every 2 weeks. Kevin is doing just fine with homeschooling and an occasional hands on day is in order, otherwise he very much just likes to read the work and answer the questions and be finished :)...he is very smart, so as long as he is learning we will work with what works best with him and what he enjoys most.

We had a wonderful visit last night with the 1st Baptist church of Bentonville. They had a great worship lead by the youth choir and then we were also blessed to share our presentation with them.

Our sister, JoJo, got married on Saturday :) and made a most beautiful bride. Her uniting family now makes for 17 stockings at Christmas! We are blessed with a wonderful family!

This next week looks like more phone calls to try to get into churches. There will be some follow up on my end as well as printing newsletters from last month for some of our supporters (we have been out of printer ink, so i apologize for the delay) and we will also be encouraging Cross Roads Baptist Church in Pea Ridge, AR. Please come out if you can starting Wednesday night through the rest of the week: Revival, dinner at 6pm revival services at 7pm.

God Bless and we love you all
The White Family

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