Sunday, September 5, 2010



Good Sunday everyone! Well, it may be VERY late but I would really like to try to stick to Sunday posts so i am gonna give you an over view of Thursday, Friday, Saturday and today!

This week we got approved for food stamps so we can help those we stay with (huge blessing). We recieved our card for that this week.

Friday morning at 5am Justin left for Milldale, L.A. He is attending the Fires of Revival conference..and today i discovered that he will be staying a couple of extra days to be able to alligator hunt (interesting).

Kevin and I have been enjoying mom/son time and getting a lot done as far as organizing and preparing for homeschool, which starts tomorrow morning! We get to start with a few subject and then try to find and collect caterpillars and make a habitat for them as well as plant some seeds (looking forward to this!).

This week we won't really have any church visits until Justin returns, so I am going to try to get some baby stuff organized and of course Kevin and I will learn a routine for school!

Please keep us updated in what is happening in all of your lives! We are praying daily and want to know if there are any specifics we can pray for.

Bondye Beni Ou
The Whites

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