Tuesday, August 17, 2010



Hello friends! Once again it was a busy week in the White family. Most of this week was kid week. We had several appointments to assure Annika's health...that's right, we found out we are having a little baby girl! Annika Tyla Marie White! All is well and she is healthy. I also found out that I am now at 20 weeks :) My how fast those first several weeks seemed to go! Now we get to wait a while for our next appointment and continue to experience her little kicks and punches!

This week was also Kevin's birthday. He is now 8 years old! we had a small party for him on Monday (yesterday) and let him play with his friends. He had an amazing cake from Terry, a sister in Christ. He also enjoyed spending time with everyone and getting boy gifts! So thankful for the love everyone showed to him!

Justin and I are finishing touches and ordering our new brochures this week. We are also calling several pastors to try to visit churches. This next week we will also be headin to St.Louis. We will visit family and churches as well as get to see the Science Center on one of Kevin's field trips! (We may even try for the Zoo)

This week is also the beggining of organizing and preparing for school! This is very exciting for me and also a lot to take in. My prayer and hope is that Kevin and I will work together for schooling and he will enjoy all we do...I pray that we find a way of teaching and learning that works for us and that we cover all the Lord has in store for him.

For now, God bless and we love you all and are always so thankful for each of you in our lives.

The White Family,
Justin, Bobbi Ann, Kevin and Annika

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