Sunday, June 13, 2010


Bonswa Zanmi Nou! Kouman nou ye? Nou ekri pou semenn kat!

Good Evening our friends! How are you (all)? We write for week four!

There is not a ton of new information to pass on this week! God is still God and sits in the Heavens and does as He pleases! Praise the Lord!

We are beggining to understand everyone a little bit better with each passing day. Yesterday I (Bobbi Ann) had a headache all day (tet fe mal) and boy did that make it difficult to listen!! Again though, the Lord reigns and today we sat through church service and were actually able to follow somewhat! Praise the Lord!

We have been doing family bible studies each evening in English though so that we are being filled with the Word. We also have our individual quiet time with the Lord in the mornings before we begin studying our Creole.

We again want to thank you all for your prayers and love and support! You have all been such a blessing to our family and give us so much encouragement! Our prayers are still being lifted that the Lord would show us where He wants us to be and what He wants us to be doing (while of course evangelising) when we return in Jan.

With love and praises to the Lord from Haiti,
The White Family
Justin, Bobbi Ann, Kevin and Stitch

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