Monday, August 9, 2010

Calvary Baptist Church Revival

Hello family and friends!

Your continued prayers, love and support encourage us daily and have been a blessing! We once again had a busy week! It is incredible the difference in pase between the country of Haiti and the U.S.

We spent last week in Huntsville, TX at Calvary Baptist Church and were blessed by evening services each day of the week! The services were based on which Jesus we serve, the Jesus of the Bible or a Jesus we created. It was a huge blessing and another great experience for each of us!

While in Huntsville we were to meet with 3 other pastors to talk about giving our presentation at their churches. The first one forgot about our appointment and was kind enough to still meet with us, however, when he came to meet with us he was delayed due to his car over heating. The next meeting we had was a blessing because it was scheduled at the last minute. Unfortunately I also woke up that morning extremely sick and was sick the entire day. Justin went to visit the pastor on his own, only to get lost and never make it. However, once we spoke to both pastors they agreed to have us visit their churches to share our presentation this fall! What a blessing that through road blocks the Lord still allowed us to visit the churches! The third church we were actually able to visit and give our presentation and we were incredibly blessed by the response of the church members. They were a very loving church, as Calvary had been all week as well, and they welcomed us with open hearts to the mission field! Over all the trip was a huge blessing as usual and an opportunity for our awesome God to recieve glory!

Other than that we just arrived back to Arkansas today and this last week was a baby experience. During our trip we got to feel Stitch kick and in just a few more appointments we should be able to get an ultra sound and find out the baby's gender. Please pray that we will be able to recieve medicaid assistance. We only recieve a small portion of the commitments made for living each month, the rest goes to growing the ministry!!! So please join us in praying for this medical assistance! We love you all and will post you with all of the happenings of this week at the end of the week.

Also, all who are interested: we are having a birthday party for Kevin's 8th birthday on Monday at 5pm (august 16th) Please call if you want to come or email and I will get you directions!

God Bless
The White Family,
Justin, Bobbi Ann, Kevin and Stitch

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