Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Hello Friends,

Well last week was mostly assisting in the Piney Point ministry and the ministries of the sister churches. Justin was put to work this week: painting, weed eating, etc...

Bobbi Ann has been focused on homeschooling, packing and moving our family around...we have been blessed to stay with some great friends this week in Northwest Arkansas. Also, I believe I am nesting! :)

Kevin has been busy, well, being Kevin. He has been completing homeschool and enjoying being a kid.

We have been able to enjoy a little of the outdoors as a family!! Today Justin and I decided on prefolds for our cloth diapers...Not only were they the most cost friendly, they also seemed just simple enough and perfect! We are getting very excited!

We love you all - hope to share some more next week; maybe we will have more to share! :)

God Bless you all!!
Justin, Bobbi Ann, Kevin and Annika

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