Sunday, May 2, 2010

3 Weeks

Hello Family,

We leave in only a few short weeks for our first long trip to Haiti! First of all we would like to thank all of those who have just began to support this ministry. More specifically, thank you to Calvary Baptist Church in Huntsville, TX and our brothers and sisters in Christ there! Thank you to our 'Texas Parents' for taking us in again! We were also very welcomed at Hickory Creek Baptist Church here in NWA and thank you all for your love offering and your questions! If any of our blog followers ever have questions please ask!

We appreciate all of your prayers! There is still much to be done before we leave. We have an appointment on Monday to see if there are any healthier options for our malaria prevention than taking the medicine we would take for a week trip to Haiti as well as any other nutrition items we may need to keep with us. I will also be talking to the Haitian Embassy this week to look into getting our Visas as they haven't responded to my email yet so please pray that our progress in that will go well.

The newest news is that we will be adding one little missionary to our team in early January! The Lord has perfect timing; we will be having a baby at the begining of January and still leave in later January for our full time mission work in Haiti. I know there are probably several questions that come with that informaton and we would like everyone to know that we KNOW the Lord will protect our little baby in His will as He will the three of us. All of the needs will be met for this new little life!

We thank you all and want to remind you that this blog will be updated AT LEAST once a week once we are in Haiti! Please continue praying, as prayer moves the hand of the LORD.

God Bless,

The White Family

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