Sunday, July 11, 2010

Last Week coming

We are about to start our 9th and final week here for this trip!
Well, we spent the last 3 ½ days in Bombard, Haiti. That was a wonderful experience. First of all we can’t express how thankful we were for the cooler weather! The house we stayed in was covered by shade trees! We also experienced throughout our stay the battle of giant moths and lizards (it was amusing)! Pastor Kennan took us with his family to Bombard for an annual church conference. We had morning and evening services as well as classes during the day. Justin had the privilege of speaking to adults on sexual education. Most of them were shocked that sex is very open in the United States (using sexual innuendos in advertisement, public schools teaching kids about safe sex, etc…). However, he did wonderfully and I had never been more thankful that I needed to watch Kevin and did not have to use what little Creole I knew to teach such a topic 
I told Kevin we weren’t going to be able to take any toys with us to Bombard, but it would make him learn to appreciate his toys that much more (it sure made me appreciate his toys that much more!). Eventually though with the lack of nothing to do, Kevin carried around Justin’s Creole Made Easy book and studied and had a blast learning the language. He even quickly (quicker than me) picked up on the different vowel pronunciations and was pronouncing things correctly! However, this was a huge praise. We just made it back to Mole this evening as well and Kevin had already asked for and is looking through the Creole Made Easy book, even with his toys at his convenience! PRAISE THE LORD!
This week we will still be practicing Creole. We still need to go to the market, with only macaroni and cheese and roman noodle soup left! Then we also have a lot of cleaning to get done before we leave. We have been extremely blessed with the opportunity to stay with Pastor Kennan and his family while learning the language. Please continue to pray for us that we will have the patience to practice our Creole without actively speaking Haitians surrounding us in the States! We have been speaking to each other off and on in Creole, however, when you can’t find the words for a whole sentence it becomes easy to default to English!
Stitch is looking very forward to having some American foods soon! In Bombard Stitch was spoiled with bread, BBQ beef and ground beef!! It is such a crazy change to go from living in a country where beef is almost a stable food, to a country where you are excited to get beef!
We look very forward to seeing everyone! We have been so blessed already on this trip and I have no doubt the Lord intends to work in this last week as well! Our prayers have been with you all and we are thankful for your prayers for our family and the Lords work.
A testimony from a young girl this weekend: (background: in Haiti the Catholic Church does not teach that Jesus is the way to Heaven and often times are the gateway to Voodoo) A young girl came forward for prayer. She was having some trouble financially for food in her life, but found joy in her salvation knowing the Lord would provide. This young girl has a physical handicap with little control over her physical movements. The catholic priest found pity on her and came to her one day and told her that he wanted to help her and support her, but she would need to get baptized in the Catholic Church first. She told him that her salvation was not worth trading for food. She said that she trusted the Lord to provide for her. What a praise and wonderful thing to hear!
God Bless you all! Bondye Beni Nou!
The White Family
Justin, Bobbi Ann, Kevin and Stitch

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