Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Well I am off track on the day i wanted to post (Mondays), but i am seven days from the last post :).

We pray all is well with each of you. This week we met with our authority/the president of Son Ministries and are now in heavy prayer about where the Lord is leading us and what we will be doing when we return as a permanent ministry. We know Biblically where and what the Lord calls us to do and now our prayer is just that the hearts of all involved will be molded and sensative to this call!

Justin will be leaving for a week in March to help with a youth conference in Mole St. Nicolas, Haiti and speaking to pastor Kenan about where our hearts our and what we will be doing when we return. We will be posting this soon :). On this trip Justin will preach every night for 20 minutes for a week, he is thrilled (there is a ton of joy in doing what the Lord has called you to do)!

Annika is awaiting her medicaid card so that we can schedule her another dr. appointment, but the last appointment went wonderfully and she is healthy, healthy, healthy!

Kevin is enjoying a week off from school and visiting with all family as possible in the area! He is an excellent big brother and wants to help even with the smallest details, like buttoning the onsies :)

Of course mom's big role right now is to get back on track with updating this blog as well as getting all of our information together (all of our 'ducks in a row' if you will) so that we can get back to Haiti as soon as possible! Right now it looks as though this may be the 1st of April. A big prayer request would be to get our visas so that we can remain in Hait for more than a 90 day period! Over the phone they are telling us that we do this in Port au Prince, but we are not sure that post earthquake this is still true. We will try to get this more in line as soon as we arrive on this next trip!

All things are in His hands and we find joy in following His will in our lives! God Bless you all and we will talk again next week!

Justin, Bobbi Ann, Kevin and Annika

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