Tuesday, June 1, 2010

We are Here

Bonswa zonmi nou! - Good Evening our friends!

We made it to Haiti last week and my apology for this being our first post. 18 people sharing one webband access did not allow me to get on sooner, but while everyone is away swimming I have decided to update you on the going ons so far.

Justin and I have been practicing and have learned some Creole, but still have a far way to go. Kevin will begin to learn this week too, but he has been spending his extra time with his grandparents who leave tomorrow. We have had a crusade each night for the last week and have seen SEVERAL recieve Jesus Christ! We are still needing lots of prayer that we will stay focused on winning souls ALWAYS and that we will continue to soak up the language. Once the mission team leaves we will spend all day practicing the language and then going out and practicing. We will take our break in the middle of the day each day but will continue to practice and use it in the evenings. We have been asked to join Pastor Kenan and Madam for a wedding one day in a town further away as well as a couple of days at an annual meeting Pastor Kenan hosts for his churches.

Kevin is fun to watch learn the culture. He is still unsure about holding hands with the other boys (which is a sign of friendship here). And like all 7 year old boys Kevin has already scraped up several parts of his body and has had a blast doing it! :) - please pray for him as his grandparents and our church family leave tomorrow that he will adjust well to all the changes.

For now that is all the new news I have to share and I look forward to writing next week to share the new things we have learned as well as experienced!

God Bless
Justin, Bobbi Ann, Kevin and Stitch (oh yeah, and stitch did not like flying :P)

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