Monday, November 22, 2010


Hello Friends!

Not too much has happend out of the ordinary since our last post. I did forget to mention that we attended a beautiful wedding last weekend; where the gospel was presented and the Lord was the center of attention it was wonderful!

Since our last post, Kevin had another dance class and Annika had another check up. We met the doctor and she seems to be a very nice woman and I feel comfortable :) ... Now i will need to make sure i share Jesus with her! Not sure where she stands on that!

I enjoyed a fellowship Saturday night with some women of the Church and this morning had the privelage to send a card to a brother in Christ who is in prison for a poor choice of past decisions!

This week it looks like we will see our parents go to Haiti for a week, I get the privalage of visiting the Sigman's in the hospital and praying with them again and We will get to visit Lakeside Baptist Church to share our presentation on Sunday morning.

We love you all and are praying continuously!
God Bless
The Whites

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