Sunday, December 12, 2010



Well Jesus is still alive and well...He sits in Heaven and does as He pleases! AMEN!

I updated the blog last week and normally would try to update it again tomorrow morning, but tonight Justin decided that Annika and I should rest. She is not here yet, but with as busy as we have been, Justin thought it would be best for me to slow down a little when we have chances so that she doesn't get here too early! However, deep down i think he i hoping we get to share Christmas with her (she is due the 3rd).

We want to take an opportunity to praise the Lord for a healthy pregnancy! God has protected this pregnancy and kept us busy for Him and His provision has been amazing!...We also thank Him for the Spirit he has given us, that even if He didn't provide the way He has we would still be Praising Him for the opportunity to serve Him!

We had the privelage to visit 2nd Baptist Church of Siloam Springs. We thank you all for your continual support as well and your faith in Christ Jesus to see that missionaries have the ability to be overseas and in the States to spread the gospel! The fellowship was INCREDIBLE as well!

This week I will get to join the women in the Cassville Church Body for their Christmas fellowship as we also lift up a sister who would have been leading the devotion, but had to leave town for a death in their family. The praise is that the lady who went to be with the Lord recieved His gift a few weeks ago!

We also have a dinner this week for the pastors that have been raised up from the Piney Point Church and their wives. On Wednesday we get the privelage of meeting with Charity Baptist Church in Rogers! Then more doctors appointments and wrapping Christmas presents at LifeWay to raise money for Haiti Missions!

My brother will be in town this weekend with his wife and daughter! :) and Piney Point is hosting a Christmas Drama Saturday night and Sunday morning!

We love you all and are thankful for you in our lives and in the ministry the Lord has entrusted to us.

Bondye Beni Ou - God Bless You
The White Family

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