Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Hello All!

What a month so far and with a week and a half yet to go :). We had a wonderful visit with Charity Baptist Church and were blessed to pray with and for several brothers and sisters in Christ!

The Piney Point Christmas play went wonderfully and pierced both mine and Justin's heart in reminding us how life is in most American homes still during the holiday and though it is 'about Jesus' it usually is not about Jesus! That is a good swift kick to remind us to pray hard and witness harder!

And the big news of the week....SHE IS HERE! Annika Tyla Marie White was born at 6:03am on Tuesday December 21st 2010. All 6lbs, 1oz and 19 inches of her is healthy and strong. She was born with the cord wrapped around her neck twice and had to be held in the NICU room for 6 hours before we could see her and we couldn't hold her for 8hours after she was born...that was tough on Justin and I and poor Kevin had to wait over a whole day to see his baby sister (poor little man). However, PRAISE the LORD, she is here in our arms and the plan is to make it home tomorrow with a new addition to our family! We got to praise the Lord through the whole event and had His peace which surpasses all understanding!

We want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and want to praise His wonderful Name that not only was THE Savior born to us and that is what we are celebrating, but more so that we have recieved His gift and are blessed to live for HIM!

God Bless you all and enjoy your Christmas; celebrating the reason each of us support this ministry to spread the gospel!

We love you all!
Justin, Bobbi Ann, Kevin and Annika :)

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