Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Hello Everyone!

Well, we did not have interent for the last several days so i am now updating and hope that next Monday I will be able to get back on track. I don't think there is much organization in the life of a missionary! :)

The Lord has blessed us not to have any payments or any thing that we rely on in this world. It is funny though that the things that Satan 'thinks' we rely on, he tries to attack us in those areas! We had our tires all changed and rotated when we returned to the states so that we could travel and talk to churches, etc... about the ministry. Since then we had an issue with a bent tire rim that we thought was making the car shake (terribly). Once we got that fixed it seemed the shaking was only getting worse. We then found out we had been driving around on a tire that was wore down to the metal (how the previous trips to tire shops did not catch it, we don't know, but the Lord protected us!). Then this last week the battery had a default chip in it and our car went haywire while a friend was using it. Again, the Lord handled it and we are just praising Him for protection over us all while all these things have been happening!

This last week was mostly attending events with the Piney Point Churches and this week is helping in the construction of the Piney Point Daughter Churches. :)...

I will meet Annika's doctor this Thursday (if i can find the other doctors office that they asked me to go to this one time)! :) I can not believe how close we are to having a family of 4! But i do look so forward to meeting her - we all do!

Homeschool is going wonderful and Kevin had had a good attitude lately - Praise the Lord! I have been trying to alternate subjects a little differently so he might not feel so overwhelmed as well - i hope it will continue to work.

Please keep praying for a healthy delivery as well as a healthy baby. Also pray that our paper work all goes quick and smooth once she is born so that we can return!

The election is also quickly approaching in Haiti - keep that in prayer!!

God Bless you all~ Bondye Beni Nou!
Justin, Bobbi Ann, Kevin and Annika

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