Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Hello and I begin with an apology for waiting until tuesday to get this blog out.

We once again thank each of you for your support and for following us on this blog! We were previously gone on our last big trip (maybe ;) before we head back to Haiti (which we are hoping will be in Feb.). We had the privelage of staying with our great friends and brother and sister in Christ in Texas while giving our presentation at two churches. Both pastors and their congregations were welcoming. The Lord blessed this trip by also allowing me to visit with our sisters at Calvary Baptist for their women's retreat. Fellowship was wonderful in Surfside with the women and the sermon we were able to hear Sunday morning really blessed us!

So for the last week we spent our time in Texas visiting 2 churches and a conference. I also was blessed just last night with a few beautiful flowers from my husband. Today Justin was blessed to be able to help the Piney Point Ministry. We also were able to take a field trip yesterday to Pea Ridge military park and it is always interesting to see what different things Kevin picks up on anytime we get to visit there.

The forthcoming weeks look mostly like being involved in the Piney Point and sister chcurches area. Of course there are a few churches in the NWA area we will be visiting and I will keep everyone posted, and we are trying to visit others that we either need to contact or get back in touch with.

God Bless you all!
Justin, Bobbi Ann, Kevin and Annika

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