Monday, October 11, 2010


Great Monday!

Hello all! Well, we spent most of our time this week at the Revival in Pea Ridge and were blessed to rejoice with recieving new brothers and sisters into the family of the Lord this week (a total of 18 souls)!

During the day times this last week; Kevin and I struggled with homeschooling and my prayer is that he realizes there is no way that school should have to last all day and that this week will be better. We did end the week by having lunch together out of the house and away from everything, just the two of us. It was a great experience. Kevin prayed for our waitress and we also invited her to revival. Justin drove to bring back a friend they made while alligator hunting in Louisianna :)...then spent most of his days helping prepare for the revival.

Tomorrow we leave for Texas. On Wednesday night and Sunday morning we have a presentation at different churches. Thursday through Saturday I will have the privelage of joining Sherry Ketring and some others from our churches in Galveston for a women's retreat with our sisters from Calvary Baptist in Hunstville, TX :) (I am very excited).

The following week we will be blessed again to stay with some of our friends and a brother and sister in Christ here in Rogers! The Lord has blessed us with brothers and sisters who open their homes to us and we are very greatful. We are also continually greatful for the prayers and support of each of you who follow us to know where the Lord has us!

*p.s. the nesting process has begun as I prepare for our return to Haiti as well as the arrival of Annika (it is a little different when you don't have a permanent residency and there is much paper work involved in going overseas!

God Bless you all!
The White Family - soon to return to Haiti and working for the Lord where we are each day!

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