Thursday, July 22, 2010

The States

Well, we made it back to the states. But we will start from the beginning of the week. Monday through Friday were pretty eventless days. We tried for some pomdetet (potatoes) at the market the first couple of days, but by the end of the week we surrendered and decided to mac and cheese it until we left on Saturday. We spent a lot of time cleaning and packing and also getting in the most we could in speaking and listening to the language (Creole).
Saturday we left Mole St. Nicolas to fly to Port au Prince. Everyone enjoyed the tiny puddle hopper plane. Until the landing when Stitch decided we don’t like landing planes! But we survived! We then went to the Haiti airport and were able to find Creole Bibles!! We had been on the hunt for them since we got to Haiti and the day we left we found them! Now in the churches in Haiti they preach from the French translation Bibles; however, we figure to reach the untold, uneducated people of Haiti who know no French we should be practicing the Creole translation! Finding these was a praise. We were able to get two bibles for about the price we would pay for 1 English translation Bible in the U.S., which is also a huge praise for being sold in the airport.
So Saturday evening Pastor Kennan’s son, Emory, picked us up from the airport. When we got to the house and we were asking Emory to take us back to the airport at 6:00am the next morning for our flight back to Arkansas. Then Emory told us to call my dad from ‘the box’. He pointed to a fed ex box on the table. We were a bit confused, having no phone to call with and not knowing what was in this box. When we opened the box these are the contents we pulled out: 2 pickles (for stitch), socks (for bobbi), a go phone (for all, mostly Justin) with minutes already put on it as well as text messages with pictures of our family, pages from a photo album when the Sackman family had gone to Disney World years ago, and then a stack of papers. The paper contents were confirmation letters for the following: A rent a car convertible, a gift card with money for food and gas, a 3 night stay in a hotel outside Orlando, and 3 -2 day passes to Disney World! All of us were first upset because we so badly wanted to see our family, then we were incredibly humbled. We knew this was not something we deserved or even earned in anyway. Then we recognized and completely praised the Lord for His blessings in our lives and of course the last two days have enjoyed venturing around Disney World. Therefore, I’d like to apologize for the delay in our blog this week. I tried to connect to the internet in our hotel, but we were unable to get through and the second two nights we fell asleep as soon as we got to our hotel.
The biggest blessing in the whole experience and gift that we had received was to see how much we had grown and continue to grow in our walks with the Lord. Kevin still is boy and a kid, he has become slightly more grateful, but may have the most trouble coming back into a society where everything is at your fingertips (please keep his in prayer for this). Justin was able to share his testimony so many times and throughout the whole experience he used every opportunity we had to bless someone else! I was surprised at how verbal I was to talk to people and share our testimony…I had no intimidation to talk to people, whereas before I was always worried about intruding into someone’s life, now I realize how sacred and special each life is and how important it is not to interrupt it! This past 9 ½ weeks and 3 days have been amazing for each of us as individuals as well as a family. God has done and we know will continue to do so much to bring glory to Himself and we look forward to seeing His glory!
As a side note: it is difficult when walking around a theme park with people speaking several different languages, to figure out which language you should be speaking (Creole or English) hahaha. It was fun to even watch Kevin take a minute to answer people when they spoke to him in English, because he had been so use to Creole questions.
Thank you all so much for the blessings you are in our lives. Your prayers of encouragement and love allow our hearts to be focused on the King and winning souls to His kingdom. Thank you for your love, prayers and support.

Bondye Beni Ou – God Bless You!
The White Family,
Justin, Bobbi Ann, Kevin and Stitch (who has been very content with the American foods we have selected lately!)

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