Monday, June 28, 2010

3 Weeks to go

Bonjou! Good Day!

What an adventure this week was for us. It may not sound exciting, but learning a new culture is fun and a little tough! As I mentioned last week we had finished our lessons in our Creole Made Easy books and moved on to our workbooks (although our dictionaries in the Creole Made Easy books are still getting plenty of daily use!). The workbook however has many daily lessons that the other did not and now we are learning all hosuehold items, numbers, how to tell time, colors, months, season and more! Justin has the numbers down really well (i'm a little hung up on them still). The nice things this week is that we have begun to use the market and that really helps to practice not only our numbers but learning how the money works here. I'll give you a little insight. Most everyone tells you how much something is in 'Haitian Dollars', the thing is, Haitian dollars don't really exsist. So once you know how much it is in Haitian Dollars you can divide by 7 to know how much that is in American Dollars or if you are paying with Goud, which is what we are using, you multiply by 5. Oh yeah, it is a load of math and now that we get it, kind of fun! I always figure how much it is in American first to make sure I am not paying more than I would at the store then we multiply by 5 to pay. Another nice thing about going to the Market this week is that we don't have to eat the same things over and over again everyday! Fresh potatos and corn are really nice for a change!

Again, Kevin is using more and more Creole words, which is a blessing. When we get back to the states I look forward to seeing the mound of homeschooling books and literature books his grandma has been finding for us for this fall! He says he wants to learn his multiplication tables this year and how to play the drums (yikes!). Music is a big thing in Haiti though and I am excited to see him catch on to that desire! Not sure if i am ready for a new crying baby and drums all in the same year though! But the blessing it has been to see him grow and want to try new things out weighs all of the chaos!

We also became 'true' Haitians this week. As we were cleaning our rooms the other day we saw white people next door and started watching out the window (watching the white people like the Haitians do hahaha)...we were able to speek to them later and find out they were students in the Mission Field and doing reports.

Well, for now that is the extent and excitement of the previous week. We have 3 weeks to go and Stitch is long awaiting pickles! We are very excited to see everyone soon, but also to remain focused and continue in the ministry of overseas missionaries!

Bondye Beni Nou!
God Bless you!
The White Family,
Justin, Bobbi Ann, Kevin and Stitch (who is starting to show by the way)!!

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