Monday, July 5, 2010

2 Weeks Left

Here we are, only 2 weeks from going back to the states! Ahhh!!! In our shoes the view is only 2 weeks left to become more confident and fluent in Creole!
This last week was more eventful than the previous and the next week, well, I am not even sure I am prepared for what is to come.
Over this last week our family has grown closer to the Lord and Kevin is growing in learning the importance of obedience! He started the week off again not really wanting to play with any children here or be involved with anyone; then He actually slowed down and listened to the children and has even become less agitated and more patient in listening to us speak Creole to him. We are praising the Lord for his growth! Please continue to pray for Kevin and I though as we will apply Creole to our schooling this fall. We will be speaking it in the states regularly in Creole; however, applying it to school could be frustrating at times and we would both love your prayers!
After being use to all the adjustments to a third world country (cooking, shopping, long periods with no electricity, etc…) I almost forgot we were somewhere different. Then I have to share with you that a 4 a.m. battle with flashlight in hand against a Haitian lizard to win the toilet reminds you quickly that you aren’t ‘in Kansas anymore’! There are many humbling events of being overseas!
Justin was able to speak to the youth this week in Creole. He did a great job and had it all prepared and written out in Creole. However, after he finished he decided the next night (last night) when he was going to give his testimony to the church in Creole that he wouldn’t write it down. He did a great job! He spoke for several minutes and the church was very responsive. Their favorite part after he listed all his sin he was living in, was when Jesus saved his soul and changed his heart! (That is my favorite part too!) He is doing so well with his Creole…in fact; Pastor Kennan’s confidence in him is allowing Justin to also speak to the adult this coming week in Bambard on Sexual Education. No pressure!
Stitch and I are doing great. As always we don’t like the heat, but we are really pushing through the days and I am feeling confident of where I am in Creole so far. I know I have so much further to go, but I also know that the Lord will continue to work and one day I’ll be fluent!
This week we are going to join Pastor Kennan and his family in Bambard for a yearly conference where he will be preaching. We will be there from Thursday to Sunday. Then Pastor Kennan will take madam and go to Port au Prince Monday and come back to fly out of Mole with us the following Saturday morning! Busy busy busy! Praising the Lord that I won’t have a ton to pack seeing as we can leave the things for permanent residents in the country!!
God Bless you all! - We love you!
The White Family
Justin, Bobbi Ann, Kevin and Stitch

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