Wednesday, September 1, 2010

September Starting


Once again I apologize for a late post. We had the privelage of staying with another family in Christ this last week and my computer did not get much attention.

Well, starting with last week: We returned from St. Louis and had a great time and also were able to speak to some pastors who will hopefully have us back again this fall to give our presentation. Over all, we had a great fellowship with brothers and sisters in Christ.

On Friday night I was able to join with many of the pastors wives from Piney Point and study on prayer. I learned a lot, saw areas where I need to grow and was encouraged in areas. Tonight we were blessed to visit with His Way Fellowship.

Justin will be gone all week at the Fires of Revival Conference in Milldale, LA. I will be trying to get as much together as possible to begin Kevin's homeschooling on Monday.

I will try to make the next post on Sunday this week!!

God Bless!

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