Sunday, June 20, 2010

Learning More and More

Nou fini tout leson nan liv nou! We finished all the lessons in our book!
Well, at the beginning of this week we finished our lessons in our Creole made easy book and have began working in our workbooks! I must say, it is encouraging when you can read a paragraph in Creole and write it in English and when you read sentences in English and can translate them to Creole. Then I remember that is because I can read it and write it as my own speed! Hahaha
Besides working in our workbooks we are also still memorizing vocabulary words, as there are several we have yet to learn. We try to choose about 10-20 each day of words we find ourselves wanting to use a lot or that we hear often then we just go through the dictionary and pick a few to know as well!
Kevin sat through both church services fairly well today! YEAH – VICTORY!
Stitch has been yucky all week and then yesterday and today has been amazing! I did get over heated in church this morning but this evening was breezy and wonderful!
We were even able to catch a bit of the sermon tonight. Then once Pastor Joseph got fired up and excited we totally lost complete thoughts and only hung by words here and there! It was still exciting and is exciting to know that we are progressing! Praise the Lord for His desire for a personal relationship with His people and desire to use us!
We were able to talk to Pastor Kennan this week and find out more information about some of His churches as well as things about the country of Haiti! It is interesting picking up on the culture as well as the language. We went walking for quite a while the other day and found several small stores and was able to speak with people, it was a wonderful outing and another great encouragement to meet the people!

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