Sunday, July 25, 2010

1st Week Away


This is our first week away from Haiti. We have eaten lots of American foods and enjoyed sermons in English! Starting again we want to thank you all for your prayers. We have been still focused on and desire to win souls to the Kingdom of God, no matter where we are, which is first and foremost important!

Justin breaks out in Creole usually at least once a day for a time period and i follow, occassionaly Kevin will give it a try too! It usually becomes a fun thing for us as well, as the rest of the family around us gets a kick out of trying to figure out what we are saying.

Along with the above information, this week has been a week of adjusting. We have unpacked and done a TON of laundry, with much still left to do!

Tonight we will meet with Pastor Chuck so we can look at the month of August and all the plans we have: plans ranging from church events that we need to attend, preparing for presentations and trips of where to show the presentations, finances to date for the ministry, setting up and preparing for insurance and doctors appointments for Stitch and much more! We won't be bored waiting for our move back to Haiti, that has become evident and we couldn't be more excited about all we have going on for our King!

Again, thank you always for your prayers and love! We ask for prayers of focus; Justin and I are both closer in our walk now than we have ever been and desire to keep growing and not be distracted by the things of the world, particularly the comforts of American resources!

Bondye Beni Ou!
The White Family,
Justin, Bobbi Ann, Kevin and Stitch

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