Sunday, August 22, 2010

August Wrapping Up

Nou travay anpil denmen semen; mem toujou! (We worked a lot last week; same as always!)
Well, as per usual we had a busy week. And, as per usual, we would not be happier doing anything other than being busy for our Lord! This week we finished our new brochures and envelopes to give to churches and individuals as we visit. We also prepared for our St. Louis Trip. We left for St. Louis Friday morning. Thursday we had a teacher’s workshop, to learn more tips on homeschooling and Justin and Kevin enjoyed a men’s study. Friday morning I met with my mom and she helped me to prepare for our homeschooling endeavors this year and then we were off to St. Louis. Saturday we went to the St. Louis Zoo as a family. This morning we went visited grandma’s congregation and had the opportunity to encourage and be encouraged by her pastor. On Monday and Tuesday we will be basically ‘cold calling’ pastors. We will visit churches and try to talk to as many pastors as possible for future opportunities to share our presentation with their church, as well as leaving them with information on the ministry.
Thank you all for your prayers and keep them up! Also, let us know what we can pray for in each of your lives!

Bondye beni ou (God bless you),
The White Family,
Justin, Bobbi Ann, Kevin and Annika (Stitch)

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