Monday, June 7, 2010

Week 2 of Language Learning

Li te pran kawoutchou la nan magezen a pou repare!

He took the tire to the store for repair!

Well, we actually know more than this and useful information as well, but we we have enjoyed the word tire in Creole since we had it in one of our lessons and because of how fun it is to say we will probably not forget it (kawoutcho)!

I just wrote out a long blog about the happenings here and the Triumphs that our Lord has had in our lives and the computer deleted it all, however, the Lord is worthy and worthy to be praised so I rejoice in the opportunity to try to inform you all once again!

Justin had swimmer's ear the first several days after the mission team left, which left him deaf in his left ear. This made it interesting for me to have to try to understand Creole when being spoken too, but possibly also helped me to learn a little better. Justin has since recovered and can hear from both ears *Triumph*

Kevin has adjusted very well to the culture in the last couple of days. He struggled with rules and obedience after our family and friends left, however has since enjoyed trying to learn Creole and playing with the children here. He does need prayer for patience in learning the language as well as constant encouragement to apply the words he already knows!

Stitch *baby* is doing well. If i get extremely hot I sometimes have found myself sick, but if I need to leave a conversation for a few minutes to cool off everyone has been very understanding! I had one day of being sick the entire day, but again the Lord triumphed and I am doing much better.

During an evening service at pastor Kenan's church the other night I closed my eyes and listened to the singing and even though I could not understand, I could not help but to hear the beauty of one day all of the saints from around the world singing praises to our King in one language... it was beautiful and encouraging.

We want to thank everyone for your love, prayers and support. If we were to ask for specific prayer requests right now it would be for more understanding when hearing the language spoken!

Bondye beni ou! - God bless you

The White Family
Justin, Bobbi Ann, Kevin and Stitch

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