Tuesday, November 6, 2012

October 2012 Newsletter

Saludos a todos nuestros hermanos y hermanas en Cristo de la casa de los White aquí en San José, Costa Rica!  Greetings to all our brothers and sisters in Christ from the White house here in San Jose, Costa Rica!  Once again, another month come and gone… this one less exciting than the last.  But I, Justin, will give you what updates there may be J

Remember  those “new beginnings” when, on August 25th we welcomed the anticipated arrival of my parents; Steve and Angel Hoover, well here they are about 2 months in and they are definitely adjusting well.  As Steve has been learning about the Costa Rican or “tican” culture here, he has discovered that this country was made especially for him.  Being a people that favors friendships, food and festivities over schedules and appointments, the “Hoover personality” is flourishing!  Likewise Angel is loving all the time she is getting with her grandchildren and being able to bake and clean and do laundry every day… and we are not complaining either… other than the rapid disposal of flour every month.  My wife and I have definitely appreciated the time that we have had together alone as they care for the kids every now and again.

As for ministry, we are still seeking those open doors through local organizations to get involved in.  I have had a couple of meetings with a few of the directors from a local seminary here in San Jose about possibly getting involved in the work that they are doing.  It is not a paying gig, only volunteer work, but my aim is to glorify the name of the Lord and to get His gospel to the world by whatever means He allows.  Also, there is a camp a little ways out of the city that we may be able to become involved in called “La Montaña” which is open all year around and offers great opportunities of counseling and discipling youth, as well as opening doors for short term mission teams to come down and participate.  There is already a small video that Steve had taken when he and my mother visited a few weeks ago… that video is available on our ministries website http://www.sonministries.webs.com Bobbi Ann and I will be heading out soon to spend the weekend at the camp to see it for ourselves and also to learn about possible long term ministry right there on campus for us.  This is very exciting to me, so be in prayer about that.  With some of my time during the day I have also been given the privilege to help a fellow student and missionary by translating a bible study from English to Spanish.  This not only helps me to keep Spanish fresh, but also allows me to learn more vocabulary.  It is then being revised by a teacher from the institute and then returned to me so that I may see the corrections and learn from them.  Such a blessing to be able to minister and support the family in Christ along the way.

Steve and Bobbi Ann are moving along steadily in the Institute, both bringing home great grades and experiences that shows that they are learning and growing in the Spanish language and culture.  Angel has been walking Kevin to and from school every day and has found herself being able to try and converse with many people along the way.  She is still using http://www.spanishdict.com daily to learn, whereas I am continuing on Rosetta Stone each day to continue my education.  Kevin and Annika both are being blessed with the opportunity to be bilingual from childhood… in just another year I am sure Kevin will have surpassed his mother and I and Annika will just be naturally bilingual, which in itself is awesome!  Keep us all in your prayers that we can become fluid in our communications so that we may accurately communicate the gospel of Jesus Christ and be ready to give a defense for the hope that we have in Him!

Thank you all once again for your continued support and prayers, keep them coming and help us to continue to strive ahead, as trying to receive the prize and to press on towards the upward call in Christ Jesus!  Be in prayer for the recipients of the blessing bags… there are 2 men that have been blessed from our front gate, Oscar and Francis, as well as 12 young ladies from a local orphanage that a friend of ours ministers in.   God bless you all and thank you once again for everything!  Until next month, que Dios los bendiga!


-Justin, Bobbi, Kevin & Annika White

SON Ministries

Monday, October 1, 2012

September 2012 Newsletter

Buenos Días de Costa Rica a su hogar. Greetings from Costa Rica to your home.  This last month has been filled with new beginnings, big opportunities, and the same old rut of learning another language.  The most obvious change to you all, is that I, Justin, will be writing these newsletters.  With Bobbi Ann in the Spanish Language Institute she has been quite busy with her studies, so I am trying to take some of the load from her shoulders.  That being said, let me give you a run down on the busy month of September!
Let’s start with those “new beginnings”.  On August 25th we welcomed the anticipated arrival of my parents; Steve and Angel Hoover.  They have been blessed with the opportunity to come down and live with us for a year while Steve attends the language institute along with Bobbi Ann.  As you may already know, we have moved into a house that has a built in apartment upstairs, which is now the humble home of my parents.  It is a blessing to us to have them so near for many reasons; for encouragement, for accountability, for companionship, and (the greatest of all) for babysitting!  Shortly after their arrival, Steve and Bobbi were thrust right in to the world of Spanish acquisition, officially starting their classes on the 4th of September.  Since that time they have been studying, speaking, stressing and sweating over the many Spanish rules and exams that they have already “encountered”. I can’t say that I do not enjoy watching my family going through the same experiences that I know about all too well J
As for the big opportunities, while Bobbi Ann is in school and my mom (Angel) is watching Annika, I have the freedom during the week to actually do some ministry work.  That being said, I believe it to be important that I not run about town creating a “new work” where there are ministries already in place, so I have been, instead, searching for opportunities within the established works.  I have been given some great opportunities already, one being working (voluntarily) at the institute with the academic director on an up and coming Skype Lab project.  Another being a possibility to minister long term here in Costa Rica by assisting in the training and discipleship of pastors in impoverished areas all around the country.  These pastors will receive free seminary training via tablets with micro sd cards that hold all the information needed.  This training includes everything from “Old Testament Survey” to “Systematic Theology”.  Whereas this is a HUGE opportunity, it would mean that we would have to be financially stable, be able to purchase and maintain a vehicle, and have a strong and lasting support base.  Be in prayer with me about that opportunity and the provision to fulfill it if it be God’s will and way for us here in Costa Rica.  On a personal level, I am seeking information on any and all homeless shelters and/or support groups and other ministries in the area so that I may be able to provide that information to all the students at ILE (the institute).  As gringos we receive a lot of beggars, and the common rule of thumb is to not contribute to them.  Why?  Because these can be addicts or “career homeless” persons, and whereas giving a little may seem like helping, in the long run it is hurting them because it supports that lifestyle.  If I could get the information of places that could actually help those who are truly in need, we could give that information out rather than money, material, or even food.  Those who are truly in need can seek that help from those resources, and the others will simply quit coming to the “gringos” of the area.
Now, about the same old rut of language learning, I am discovering each day that, though I have a diploma that tells me I am bilingual, I still have so much more to learn.  So I am continuing in my studies in my own time with the resources that I have been given.  Steve and Bobbi Ann are coming right along this last month.  They’ve struggled with it, some days more than others, but they are learning so much.  They are completely experiencing that “after language class slump” where you come home after struggling to think in 2 languages and you are just exhausted mentally and physically.  Mom (Angel) is studying on her own using resources like Spanishdict.com and others, Kevin can speak a tremendous amount (yet still not at home when he can default to English), and Annika is picking up words left and right.  What a blessing to watch as we all grow and learn and adapt for the glory of the Lord.  Keep us in your prayers, especially Steve and Bobbi Ann as they continue to struggle, to strive, and to store this new language.  God bless you all and thank you so much for your prayerful and financial support.  I pray that you will stay behind us for years to come.  Remember, tell your friends and family about the work we’re doing here, even pass this letter along, and help us get the word out about the ministry!  Adios hermanos!

-Justin, Bobbi, Kevin & Annika White
SON Ministries

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

August 2012 Newsletter

Why? Why us? Why here? Why now?

We know that some days people must wonder why we are spending time in language school when people are dying every day without Christ. You know why we know this, because the thought has come into our hearts as well on occasion. Our desire to see souls won to the kingdom and to reach the unreached people groups for Christ, puts a sort of child like rush into our souls making us want to leap forth with His glorious message! However, this is where God has us right now and if we leap forward before we are ready then ‘they’, those He has prepared ahead of time to hear…will not understand because we will not be prepared the way the Lord has asked us to be for teaching them. The great commandment is clear that we are to go, making disciples, baptizing and then TEACHING. Daily we pray that our lives are a written epistle for the Lord, but we also wish to raise up His saints in His word before moving on to a new area. Until that time in which He is finished with us here and sends us to raise up new disciples through teaching, we will continue to plant the gospel at each opportunity.

August was a fun month for our family! At the end of July we celebrated Kevin’s birthday, with decorations donated from the states. Then through some monetary gifts from family and an invitation from some good missionary friends, now serving in Peru, we were able to spend a few days at the beach (5 hours from here). That was the first time in a year that we have all been out of schooling and just got to enjoy some family time focused on one another! We all had a blast and found out both of our children are fearless of the ocean and it’s powerful waves and then we travelled back burnt to crisps (except Annika – she evidently tans the best). Upon returning, Justin finished his last two days of classes and officially graduated in the 2nd to highest level of oral evaluation (“Advanced medium”) and with and 88% written evaluation. He is officially bilingual! Along with our graduate and our family mini vacation, the Piney Point Churches in NWA and Cassville, MO helped us to gather supplies that we will assemble into “blessing bags” and use as an opportunity to minister weekly (planting seeds). All of the Churches gathered the goals within a few weeks and we ask for prayers as Justin and probably his dad take these bags out and minister; we hope to continue to find ways to keep more of the Churches who support and pray for us back in the states involved in the future! Justin has already found ways to stay busy for the Lord while I am attending school, both to glorify God and keep learning Spanish more fluently. He will be communicating regularly with the school as he oversees a project to build a Skype lab, allowing the school more opportunities for online teaching, etc… Along with the blessing bags, he is also going to begin working with the pastor of the Church who allowed him to share his testimony a few months back at a secular concert – their church is very evangelical and Justin will be finding out more about their doctrine soon and if it is a sound Church he will be able to have opportunities with them almost daily.

This month we are continuing to ask for prayers for the Lord’s provision and that you all would continue to pass the word of what the Lord is using our family for here in Costa Rica and the future of reaching unreached people groups. Please pray for the Lord to prepare the hearts of those we will reach with the blessing bags, in our daily lives and in the future communities. Lately we have only been receiving the prayer request list from our Church, which we are extremely grateful for, however we would love to hear from you all and would love to know how we can lift you up in our prayers! It is extremely humbling to have the love and support that we do from so many brothers and sisters in Christ around the world and we hope that you know the love we have for you all as well. In honesty, we often wish we were in your presence, but there is also the indescribable joy (as many of you know) of being right here where the Lord wants us.

God Bless

Justin, Bobbi Ann, Kevin and Annika

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Almost moving on...

Hello once again from Costa Rica....

This week was filled with schooling and cleaning and all of the normal activities.  Along with those normal activities came the prospect of opportunity to become more involved.  We already know that the Lord has provided for me (Bobbi Ann) to at least get one semester of Spanish Language School in starting this September and now we will be joined by Justin's parents!  This is not only a wonderful thing because it allows us to have family near, Justin's mom also feels that her contribution while here will be to allow Justin to be out witnessing and ministering while his dad and I attend the langauge school.  While Kevin will still have school during the days, his schedule is always changing on pick up time and Annika is a full time job herself! We are thankful for all the blessings this brings and opportunities that will be available.  I am excited to be able to get good solid Spanish under my belt to be able to teach women/children wherever the Lord allows!

Until next week, please continue to pray for clarity from the Lord and opportunities to share the gospel and minister to believers needing guidence.

God Bless
Justin, Bobbi Ann, Kevin and Annika White

Sunday, June 24, 2012

The Old and the New

Hello All :)

A week ago Justin preached his first all Spanish Sermon and it went wonderfully!  There is a video clip on our White Family Missions Facebook page - check it out :).  This week I was blessed to join the other missionary women that attend the local chuch here to provide snacks for the body!  Kevin's sunday school teacher also let us know that Kevin volunteered to pray in Spanish to end the class last week!!

We want to thank everyone for prayers as we continue to learn Spanish and are able to get more involved with the more we learn.  On that same note, I was able to send in the application today to be able to attend the language institute at the end of August.

Our most recent prayer request is for the Lord's provision to continue to learn the language and then stay witnessing overseas to unreached people!

God Bless,
Justin and Bobbi Ann White (Kevin and Annika send greetings as well).

Friday, June 15, 2012

We are Back

We continue to blog once again!  Hello to all of our friends!  A couple of months ago my (Bobbi) computer left me for good (hardware issues) and since I had saved our blog address and sign in on that computer it has taken me this long to get back to the sight and then my wonderful husband had to get me logged in and show me around the new layout for the blogspot sight.  I would like to apologize most sincerely for leaving such a big gap since our last post. 

Before we stopped posting my blog posts were pretty far and few between as well, this is because we often have the same routine each week and not much new to post.  Trust me, this routine can feel unproductive at times for us as well and can seem that we aren't out daily allowing God to use us to build his Church; however, it is a blessed reminder when we see His hand move in small ways that even small things are great when they are for His glory!!

In most recent activity:
*Our friends visited from the states and we were encouraged by their (and others) gifts, time together and words and actions of love and encouragement while they were with us!
*We started a no spend June fundraiser :)  ... we have for the last several months been trying to live on bare minimum and grocery shop very carefully just to save up what we can for the ministry work and decided to ask everyone to join us for a month :) i hope people are enjoying there time participating!!
*Kevin received his first A on a Spanish Exam this last week and was VERY excited!  We are excited for him, he has worked so hard and his teacher recently let us know that he speaks Spanish at school now and listens better (unless he has nothing to do, in which case he can't sit still well  :) - but none of knew a 9 year old boy that could!).
*Justin will be preaching at the local Church in Spanish this Sunday - Father's Day! (To God be ALL the glory!)

Aside from those 'headlines', we have been continuing in our normal studying routines and parenting routines.  We have continued to fellowship with the local body on Sundays as well.

Please email us; we would love to hear from everyone for prayer requests, questions and to know what is new with you all!

God Bless,
Justin, Bobbi Ann, Kevin and Annika

Saturday, May 5, 2012

April Newsletter

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Greetings from Costa Rica. The end of April flew past and I have been enjoying Justin being at home on his break from school. However, it has made me forget to send a newsletter for the month! We have been doing pretty fabulous as the Lord has been faithful to provide opportunities this month to be more involved and grow spiritually.

Just before the last days of Justin’s first trimester we had the privilege of having his classmates over for a “pot luck” dinner and fellowship. A few days before that, a friend had asked if she and I could host an event for the missionary women at the school (which is currently in progress to be hosted on the 12th). Also, a few days before school ended, Justin received word that he would be the student counsel vice president. He has been nominated for 4 positions and asked to be removed from the other 3 solely to be sure he would not be taking away too much time from his schooling and family time.

On branching out spiritually, Justin had the opportunity to speak at a secular rock concert in San Pedro (a few towns over) last week and give his testimony. A fellow student at the language school offered him the time on stage to share because their church had secured some stage time to witness at the event. This was a huge blessing and he told me of a moment when he was with the church members giving out tracts and a few young people (who had been engaged in drugs earlier that night) were bad talking and would not receive the tracts or information; however, one lone bi-standard came up to them after and asked if he could please have the information they were offering! It is always a praise to have the privilege of seeing God move! He also has been able to sing at the school chapels still and read/pray at the local Spanish speaking church off and on.

Even though my Spanish is still that of a 2-4 year old, the “empliada study” (Bible study for the maids) will be starting this week at the school and I hope to sit in and listen. Justin still watches the kids for an hour each night which allows me to study.

Kevin told me on the walk to school the other morning that he understand a lot better now and it makes school easier but that he wants to hurry to speak Spanish so that he can start home-schooling in the fall again (he begged us to go to public school when we first moved here; “the grass is always greener on the other side”) . We are speaking only in Spanish in our house on Wednesdays from now on, which Justin is excited for, Kevin wants to prove what he knows and I hope to make it through the day and know more when it is over. Annika understands commands in both languages; however she speaks a little more English than Spanish.

Annika has become quite the little singer! She loves to sing and she likes to bring us books to read to her. Defiance is becoming stronger in her personality each day, but her obedience is also better than I expected. Our favorite thing right now is when we tell her to “go tell everyone night-night”…she will give each of us a kiss then crawl into her bed and wait for her cup .

We continue to ask that you all join us in prayer for clarity each day on how the Lord will use us now and when and where we’ll be next. Our commitments end next spring and we know the Lord’s provision will supply all of our needs and as much as we strongly desire to be in the states and share embracing with each of our family in Christ there, we also want to be in His will and serve Him faithfully and fully where He has us. Please pray for His provision and thank you to all who support the work He uses us for, whether through financial support and/or prayer and encouragement.

“Oh, praise the One who paid my debt and raised this life up from the dead…Jesus paid it ALL and ALL to Him I owe…”

God Bless,

Justin, Bobbi Ann, Kevin and Annika White 

Monday, February 27, 2012


February 2012

Two months down and two in school…

This month brought upon us some new and challenging changes. Justin has continued in language school and is excelling as he has been. The opportunity also arose to put Kevin into the public school system here in Costa Rica. We spoke to some missionaries who previously attended the language institute and they had put their kids in the public school system here and said it helped the kids to get the language down within 6 months. Costs were extremely low in comparison to sending Kevin to the language institute (a little over $150 to buy him the school uniforms (3) and his books, backpack, etc… where as the institute is a couple thousand dollars). A few challenges arose on the second week of his schooling through frustration and just boy-ism; however, the issues are now resolved and Kevin is enjoying school and beginning to understand a little more and speak a little more!
Annika and I are still studying Spanish at home (of course it is easier for Annika since she is starting with no basis of a languageJ). Having Steve and Angel visit with us has helped me to practice mine a little more when I host them around the area. Next week (end of February/ beginning of March, we will attend spiritual emphasis week at the school. Basically the school has 2 chapel services a day each day to revive the exhausted students and remind them (us) that the mission field is being prepared and keep encouraged to do what we can while we are here. Justin has been busy almost every evening with homework lately as well as now we help Kevin with his homework, but we are getting the language quicker this way! We are still attending chapel services on Tuesdays and Thursdays, calling into the Piney Point Services on Wednesday nights and attending a Spanish service Sunday mornings and an English study Sunday afternoons. There hasn’t been a lot of time for witnessing this month, but again, we are having some opportunities with Taxi drivers when we need to shop, etc… Please continue to pray for those opportunities to arise and also for a gift of the Spanish tongue! J

March Happenings:
*You can talk to Pastor Chuck Sackman about a mission trip to Costa Rica this summer if you are interested.
*Mostly more school is all that is in our foreseen futures; we are also praying for clarity and

Family Corner:
The first part of February was spent finding out the benefits to enrolling Kevin into the public school system here and the desire for that changes daily in each of us, but we did decide to do it to help encourage him in the mission field and to help him learn the language quickly (it is said this route helps kids to pick it up in 6 months) and be able to make friends no matter where we end up! Kevin and I both have days we miss home-school and there are also days this option just seems best for where the Lord has us right now and we are both excited about it!
Justin is still trucking along at the Language Institute and acing all of his exams! We are attending the chapel services and Sunday services each week but it is more difficult between his homework and Kevin’s homework to find time to go out and witness, yet the Lord has still allowed some opportunities with Taxi drivers and others this month while we are out and about for our needs.
Mom and Annika are still studying at home and actually braving it slightly more to use our Spanish (what little we know – almost on the same level J). I (Bobbi Ann) had the privilege of hosting a “spa day” at our house for all the hard working missionary moms and wives and we had an excellent time; providing a much needed break for many. We have Steven and Angel (Justin’s parents) visiting with us right now and are having a great time in fellowship with them!

“And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.” –Matt. 10:28
Our hearts from the beginning have been focused toward and desire to reach the unreached peoples of this world with the Gospel. We understand fully that this will not be an easy task and isn’t always the most desirable, but God’s word always has much wisdom and we (believers) delight in obedience – this verse teaches us we can go to unreached people with no fear of what their reaction might be to the Word!

Costa Rica (Public School):
Enrolling Kevin into and learning how the public school in Costa Rica operates has been quite an experience and one to certainly share! Once we filled out the paper work for Kevin to begin school (easy) we had to buy him blue pants, a white shirt and a gym outfit with the school logo… we also had to sew patches onto his shirts because all schools have the same uniform and are recognized separately only by their patches. There are no substitute teachers here so when you drop your child off each day you have to see if there are any hand written notes on the front gate of the school cancelling their class or dismissing school early that day. There are 3 breaks a day and barely a teacher in sight during that time. School begins at 7am and ends at 2pm (usually). You also can not easily go and pick up your child or just drop by the school to leave something for your child…you have to sign in and most of the time if they aren’t expecting you there is a chance you will not be able to get into the gate. They do allow for healthy snacks to be sent and have worked well with Kevin’s difficulty in understanding the assignments, etc… It is definitely different but I must say that when we prayed at the beginning of our parent/teacher day last week I was slightly shocked. (The public schools however are of the Catholic Church).

*Kevin is now enrolled in school; making it total Spanish focus for Justin and Kevin!
*We were able to have fellowship with some mission wives here and Justin’s family this month!
Prayer Requests:
*Hearts to be opened to the gospel and opportunities to reach people
*A Spanish tongue for each of us
Clarity on where the Lord wants us to go after school

Thank you all for your support to this ministry. Whether it is financial, prayerful or encouraging words we are extremely grateful. Steve and Angel also delivered several goodies on their trip, many from our brothers and sisters in the states and we thank you all so much, not only for sending them, but that you love us so much to notice the things we enjoy and miss – next time we hope you all will be able to come though! - God bless!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Family Happenings


This week it seems as though for months now i haven't been able to say "we have seen 1 (or more) people come to the Lord" "God started revival here in San Jose, Costa Rica this week"....these seem like things that an overseas missionary should be posting weekly... fortunately God reminded me of Jeremiah and many many more who didn't focus on these things!! When i reflect on our months overall i see so many wonderful attempts verbally to witness and minister, but not only that just opportunities we have had to love and be a walking witness for the Lord. This is a time when the Lord has us preparing and though it feels like we have been preparing for almost 2 years now it goes back to the scriptures of being faithful with what He gives you at the moment and it is important for us to learn another language, culture, etc... but that is also why we get involved with existing ministries while we are here and we seek opportnities for the Lord to use us as well as just being prepared to be used at any given moment!

Justin is still doing wonderful in school, yet he finds himself becoming more challenged by the material and sometimes takes a couple of days to understand the new information. He is still Acing his tests. He got to read scripture in the local Church on Sunday morning (in Spanish) and taught at Bible Study that afternoon (in english).

The Lord made provision for Kevin to enroll into public school and being in a Spanish culture the entire schooling is in Spanish (except English clas :)... Today was his second day and he loves everything about being there and is even picking up on some of the spanish already. We would not have been able to send him to the language institude as it is a few thousand dollars...to put him into public school we had to spend a little over $100 and that is mostly because they are required to wear a uniform and we had to buy 2 plus a gym outfit...it is a huge huge praise and it is an even bigger praise that he loves it and isn't stressed about understanding!!

Annika cut her 9th tooth through today and it wore her out so she fell asleep an hour early. She also had a fun day earlier this week by climbing up onto the bed and crawling to the dresser and smearing vasaline all over the bed and herself (note to self: there are no longer any safe zones as climbing, walking, running and drawer opening has began!)!

I am preparing for a spa fellowship at my house for the missionary wives/moms and still working on my spanish at home and trying to brave up to use it more out in public...i actually understand it a little better than before and don't quite want to run and cry every time someone talks to me :) I am extremely thankful to the Lord for allowing things to work with the schooling for both of the boys now and i am constantly benig corrected if i try to use any spanish (i remind them that they DID understand me though, so at least i am coming across in some form of the language :)

Justin's parents are going to visit a week from monday and the week after that we get to participate in Spiritual Emphasis week at the school (much like a revival - 2 sermons a day/speakers, etc...) . My parents are going to Haiti this next week (the 16th) and i would be lying if i didn't say i was a little jealous - we do love and miss our brothers and sisters there and the people and culture...the Lord has given us a love for the country, but also a love to be in His will and right now that is exactly what we are doing.

Thank you all for your continued prayers and contributions to the work here in Costa Rica and around the world....it is great to work with so many believers near and far!

God Bless,
Justin, Bobbi Ann, Kevin and Annika White

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

January Newsletter

January 2012
…and the Spanish learning begins
The month of January started Justin’s first trimester of language school along with some other events. As soon as orientation began we prepared to head over the border to Panama to renew our visas, but the Lord had other provision for us and allowed us to complete the submission of our student visa information and we will now be able to say in country until schooling is completed. Justin rated very high in the 1st trimester after his placement testing and 2 weeks after school began his entire class moved forward to learning 2nd trimester material. This is excellent news and means that Justin is getting very good at speaking Spanish! He is also becoming very brave with his Spanish and even took off with some of the men to hand out tracts one day in down town San Jose. We have also begun attending the student chapel services again and have been attending a Spanish speaking local church on Sunday mornings. There is also a Bible study on Sunday afternoons that Justin has been going too and we call in for Wednesday night services at our home church in Rogers, AR. When school started Justin was also asked to represent the 1st trimester students in student counsel. The role of this position is not very demanding but he is happy to be as involved as possible while we are here. Our focus is to encourage other brothers and sisters while we can and get involved in as many evangelic ministry opportunities as possible, while first finishing homework and studies to prepare us for where the Lord sends us after language school. The biggest prayer we have focused on lately for the ministry is for preparation and clarity on where the Lord wants to use us once we have learned Spanish. There are so many options. North America, South America and Central America are just the large areas of Spanish speaking cultures; there are Hispanic/Latin American communities all over the world and millions of people who need the gospel preached in this language! We know the Haitian/Dominican border has several Spanish speaking communities, along with Peru and even the United States. Our hearts have always been for unreached people groups, but above all we want to be sure we are in His will and that our desire is for His will; wherever that takes us for the gospel’s sake!
Family Corner
Justin has enjoyed school and is beginning to be challenged by the material more and more each day. They say not to focus on the grades while you are learning, but Justin is doing excellent even in his testing (with all ‘A’s so far). Aside from school and homework, Justin has been attending in as many Bible studies or opportunities to witness that he can – it seems as though this year may fly by as much as there is on his plate now and he is excited to be busy for the Lord!
Kevin is doing excellent in school as well and we have been able to be creative lately, which is always fun! He will be on his last book this week for reading “Martin Luther King, Jr.”, but we hope to get some more very soon. He is super excited to see some of his grandparents this month!!!
Annika is always bruised now a’ days. Since walking has began she has a nice bruise on her chin and even a cut on her knee…she seems to be getting tougher in taking the falls though! She is also full of all sorts of personality and will run away in a heartbeat when she knows she has something she shouldn’t (which is also getting harder to keep her from as she is tall enough to reach most things!)
I have been enjoying a new Bible study and still breaking away at Spanish on the computer. The kitchen is still a playground to me in learning new dishes. This month I am going to have the moms/wives from the school over for fellowship.

“In Christ alone my hope is found. He is my light, my strength, my song…. No guilt in life, no fear in death. This is the power of Christ in me”
I’m reading a book on hope right now and it speaks of how suffering, trials, waiting, etc… are all inevitable. Then of course it gives scripture that teaches, reminds and ensures us of the hope we have in Christ Jesus. Hope is not a feeling or a desire for something to be…it is a certainty; an absolute!
-Bobbi Ann

Costa Rica
Rice and Beans, Rainforest, scary driving; No matter what you think of when you hear the words Costa Rica, the sin, the beauty and the need for the gospel are the same as the rest of the world. Here we are surrounded by the most beautiful mountains, tropical trees and unique animals. However, we are also surrounded by pollution, pornographic theaters, immodesty and all around, uncensored sin. Somehow our minds, even knowing sin is sin, get caught up and focused on depicting one area or part of the world as needier than another. The one and only true NEED in this world is Christ and a relationship with Him. We cannot and must not get caught up in the society or culture in which we are participating. There are definitely benefits to learning and living parts of the culture, it allows for opportunities to reach the lost (even Paul says he becomes all things for all people) but he also says not to trample on grace…sin is sin and is not acceptable in the sight of the Lord. No matter where we travel now, our family has developed a mind to separate, when necessary, what is culturally acceptable if it interferes with spreading the gospel. Why did Paul spend so much of his life in prison, because what he did was not socially acceptable…but it glorified Christ!
Thank you all for your continual encouragement and prayers. We also want to thank everyone that continues to have faith in the Lords work overseas and trusts Him with your financial contributions. The hospital is coming along in Haiti (almost finished) and there have been more opportunities to share the gospel in Costa Rica this month (as our Spanish grows)! Please continue to send us your prayer requests! God Bless!
· Our visa information is turned in and being processed and we do not have to leave the country at this time!
· We have run out of witnessing tracts (getting more though!)
· Justin is doing so well in school he has already moved on to 2nd trimester work
Prayer Requests:
· Hearts to be opened to the gospel and opportunities to reach people
· A Spanish tongue for each of us
· Clarity on where the Lord wants us to go after school.
*SON Ministries is making a trip into Haiti and our prayers are with that team
*Bobbi Ann will be hosting a fellowship for the missionary women
*We get to attend spiritual emphasis week at the school (similar to revival (two services a day for a week))
* Justin’s parents are coming to Costa Rica to visit (we are very excited).
*NO foreseen fundraisers this month; as of now!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Staying Focused!

Hola Amigos,

We have completed another week here in San Jose, Costa Rica at the Language School and at home. This week was filled with thrilling adventures of Jack Sparrow and Aeing Spanish tests. The week also consisted of many a' rounds of the Veggie Tale Theme Song.

At the Language Intitute, Justin has been chugging right along and has had tough days or trying to figure out new language rules, etc and great days of encouragement in getting 'A's on all 3 tests he has taken so far. Chapel services have been wonderful and encouraging and when there is free time there have also been many Bible Studies to get involved in as well.

The Institute a la Home has also been interesting this week as we have jumped into the food pyramid and making menus as well as multiplying money and 3-4 digit numbers. Kevin's attitude has been good this week and he seems to be enjoying his topics of study at the moment - which always make school more fun!

Annika is continuing to talk and eat and play and, well, just be Annika. She is growing so fast too. I had to go through her cloths this week and actually clear out quite a load. I have also never seen so many bruises on one child before. Ever since walking has started she is falling over, climbing and falling and running into or waiting to be hit by doors...therefore we have all learned to look around every corner carefully before proceeding!

We are all still studying away at Spanish and look forwad to visiting the local church again this week to worship in Spanish Sunday morning. Justin's parents are planning to visit this month and we are excited to see them. We also have spiritual empahsis week at the end of February and look forward to that.

Please continue to pray for opportunities to witness (we will be grocery shopping for next month here in a week so it is an opportune time to witness to our taxi driver). Also, we are really focusing and seeking the Lord as to clarity to prepare for wherever He wants to use us once language school is completed if you would join us in praying for that. I (Bobbi Ann) am also doing a great study right now and would like prayer for an amazing spiritual growth from this study please...so far it has been amazing.

Thank you all for your thoughts prayers and support,
Justin, Bobbi Ann, Kevin and Annika White

Friday, January 20, 2012

Keeping Up

Well i did well to keep it on Wednesdays for a while and then just kept falling sleep without update lately! So i guess i need to keep you posted for the last week!

We hope everyone is doing well. This week there have been several of our brothers and sisters in Christ on our hearts and in our prayers; we always try to remember specific prayer requests and life each of you up, but this week has just been an extra special time of individual prayers and special thoughts!

In School Justin's class has moved forward to 2nd trimester books already; which is good news as far as showing what they already knew, but mean much more studying and focus now! Today Justin is taking his first test! He has also taken time to sit down with me this week and teach me some things and he is keeping it on my level (which is difficult sometimes because i do learn a little slower and with repetition). Kevin is doing well is school as well. I realized today we are running out of literature so i had to send a request back home for some more story books! That is great news to me because i did not really enjoy reading for leisure or even book reports, but Kevin is a pro at readin and loves the adventures that each book holds! He is also applying his spanish when he gets opportunities!

A few days ago Justin was also invited to hand out tracs and witness. For Christmas he recieved a few spanish tracs and handed them all out! He enjoyed witnessing and having one on one time on the buss rides with individuals; as well as enjoyed the fellowship of his brothers in Christ he has met here in San Jose at the Language school!

We have been calling in to listen at the Piney Point sevices on Sundays and Wednesdays and have been blessed by it...we are however going to limit it to Wednesdays and start attending a spanish speaking church service on Sunday mornings, as well as meet with a group in English on Sunday afternoons. We have also been continueing to attend the chapel services on Tuesday and Thursday mornings at the school. It is great to be surrounded by the word!

Annika has 7 full teeth now and continues to climb all over the furniture. She likes to have you follow her to the table and put her in her chair when she thinks it should be meal or snack time! There is no doubt our baby is turning into a toddler and way to fast! Jewelry, shoes and all sorts of girly things are still her favorites!

I could use a little prayer for physical health please. For about 3 weeks now I have had off and on stomach isssues and headaches. The headaches i am pretty sure are a caffiene issue that i probably just need to break by not drinking so much coffee, but we aren't quite sure what the stomach issue is; I have been trying to relax some everyday and stretch more to be sure it isn't stress on my body and then I also (with the help of my mom) started some natural remedies incase it might be a parasite. Hopefully between the relaxing my body and natural remedies whatever it is will subside soon :). It is wonderful and easing to know that my Lord is the great physician though and through prayer and taking care of the physical body He has given me...He will heal the pain!

thank you all for staying posted with us. It is almost time for our Monthly newsletter and we will recap all the things the Lord has allowed us to be a part of this month and the things we look foward to next month!

God Bless - please remember to email us at: whitefamilyhaiti@hotmail.com with prayer requests!

Justin, Bobbi Ann, Kevin and Annika White

Saturday, January 14, 2012

First Week of School

Wow, did wednesday sneak away on us? I was staying on track and then Justin started school and it seems like i also had time fly past this week...

This last week was Justin's first week at language school. His teachers only speak spanish and he has homework everynight; it may sound difficult and it is a little, but he is very much enjoying learning and was placed in a class with 4 other students on his learning level. The placement helps everyone to move at the appropriate rate for them. He also meets with student counsel and we have attended the first two chapel services this trimester.

Today was our normal day at the market and we met a lady there who after talking to her for no more than 4 minutes offered her experience in teaching me (bobbi ann) some costa rica cooking :)... We are suppose to get as involved in the culture as possible so hopefully i will find time to enjoy the company of this nice tico woman and learn some more culture and even spanish!

Both the kids have been doing well. Kevin has been trying to help around the house more without complaining and has hit the phase of taking things apart again and trying to put them together a different way! Annika has recieved a couple more teeth and reached a new level of scream we wish she hadn't found! All together they are both still adjusted well and both LOVE when skype rings from one of the family to see them :).

Our prayer request remain for opportunities to witness, provision for Kevin and I to learn Spanish quickly and effectively and for protection and strength against the devil.

God Bless!
The White Family - Justin, Bobbi Ann, Kevin and Annika White

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Around and Around We Go

Hello Everyone

This week has been filled with preparations to leave the country this coming weekend so that we can remain legal. However, the need to leave the country may dissolve soon. We recieved our paper work today and if the Lord wills, there is a chance it could be turned in by the end of the week and we will not have to go to Panama. We have already purchased our bus tickets, however, we would save hundreds of dollars if we could stay. Therefore our current prayer is that the Lord might allow us to stay in country!

Justin began orientation today at the school. He had to take both a written and oral exam. The written exam was taken with less confidence than the oral; but both just help the school know where to place each student and we want to be sure that we learn the language in such a way that we can be affected with the gospel for God! After school Justin was elected to be the representative for the 1st Trimester students; basically he gets to be the go to guy. This is an exciting opportunity to a.) get to know more people and b.) have opportunities to be a witness, not all students that attend the school are missionaries or even there for Christian purposes.

Kevin, Annika and I are adjusting to not having Justin around during the day again. Kevin and I are trucking away at our 'at home learning' spanish so that we can understand Justin and our neighbors! It is a fun adventure and we look forward to every opportunity we will get to use the language, especially if we can bring glory to God with it!

Continue to pray for doors to be opened and hearts to be softened and for our family to excel in this language and that the Lord would make it clear where He would like to use us after this...there is still a great need along the amazon and outside Iquitos, Peru with Brandon Caroll. Please continue to pray for that area. Also, keep Pastor Kenan Molme in your prayers adn the work being done in Haiti through the ministry the Lord has entrusted to him!

Thank you all and God Bless
Justin and Bobbi Ann White