Friday, June 15, 2012

We are Back

We continue to blog once again!  Hello to all of our friends!  A couple of months ago my (Bobbi) computer left me for good (hardware issues) and since I had saved our blog address and sign in on that computer it has taken me this long to get back to the sight and then my wonderful husband had to get me logged in and show me around the new layout for the blogspot sight.  I would like to apologize most sincerely for leaving such a big gap since our last post. 

Before we stopped posting my blog posts were pretty far and few between as well, this is because we often have the same routine each week and not much new to post.  Trust me, this routine can feel unproductive at times for us as well and can seem that we aren't out daily allowing God to use us to build his Church; however, it is a blessed reminder when we see His hand move in small ways that even small things are great when they are for His glory!!

In most recent activity:
*Our friends visited from the states and we were encouraged by their (and others) gifts, time together and words and actions of love and encouragement while they were with us!
*We started a no spend June fundraiser :)  ... we have for the last several months been trying to live on bare minimum and grocery shop very carefully just to save up what we can for the ministry work and decided to ask everyone to join us for a month :) i hope people are enjoying there time participating!!
*Kevin received his first A on a Spanish Exam this last week and was VERY excited!  We are excited for him, he has worked so hard and his teacher recently let us know that he speaks Spanish at school now and listens better (unless he has nothing to do, in which case he can't sit still well  :) - but none of knew a 9 year old boy that could!).
*Justin will be preaching at the local Church in Spanish this Sunday - Father's Day! (To God be ALL the glory!)

Aside from those 'headlines', we have been continuing in our normal studying routines and parenting routines.  We have continued to fellowship with the local body on Sundays as well.

Please email us; we would love to hear from everyone for prayer requests, questions and to know what is new with you all!

God Bless,
Justin, Bobbi Ann, Kevin and Annika

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