Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Around and Around We Go

Hello Everyone

This week has been filled with preparations to leave the country this coming weekend so that we can remain legal. However, the need to leave the country may dissolve soon. We recieved our paper work today and if the Lord wills, there is a chance it could be turned in by the end of the week and we will not have to go to Panama. We have already purchased our bus tickets, however, we would save hundreds of dollars if we could stay. Therefore our current prayer is that the Lord might allow us to stay in country!

Justin began orientation today at the school. He had to take both a written and oral exam. The written exam was taken with less confidence than the oral; but both just help the school know where to place each student and we want to be sure that we learn the language in such a way that we can be affected with the gospel for God! After school Justin was elected to be the representative for the 1st Trimester students; basically he gets to be the go to guy. This is an exciting opportunity to a.) get to know more people and b.) have opportunities to be a witness, not all students that attend the school are missionaries or even there for Christian purposes.

Kevin, Annika and I are adjusting to not having Justin around during the day again. Kevin and I are trucking away at our 'at home learning' spanish so that we can understand Justin and our neighbors! It is a fun adventure and we look forward to every opportunity we will get to use the language, especially if we can bring glory to God with it!

Continue to pray for doors to be opened and hearts to be softened and for our family to excel in this language and that the Lord would make it clear where He would like to use us after this...there is still a great need along the amazon and outside Iquitos, Peru with Brandon Caroll. Please continue to pray for that area. Also, keep Pastor Kenan Molme in your prayers adn the work being done in Haiti through the ministry the Lord has entrusted to him!

Thank you all and God Bless
Justin and Bobbi Ann White

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