Tuesday, January 31, 2012

January Newsletter

January 2012
…and the Spanish learning begins
The month of January started Justin’s first trimester of language school along with some other events. As soon as orientation began we prepared to head over the border to Panama to renew our visas, but the Lord had other provision for us and allowed us to complete the submission of our student visa information and we will now be able to say in country until schooling is completed. Justin rated very high in the 1st trimester after his placement testing and 2 weeks after school began his entire class moved forward to learning 2nd trimester material. This is excellent news and means that Justin is getting very good at speaking Spanish! He is also becoming very brave with his Spanish and even took off with some of the men to hand out tracts one day in down town San Jose. We have also begun attending the student chapel services again and have been attending a Spanish speaking local church on Sunday mornings. There is also a Bible study on Sunday afternoons that Justin has been going too and we call in for Wednesday night services at our home church in Rogers, AR. When school started Justin was also asked to represent the 1st trimester students in student counsel. The role of this position is not very demanding but he is happy to be as involved as possible while we are here. Our focus is to encourage other brothers and sisters while we can and get involved in as many evangelic ministry opportunities as possible, while first finishing homework and studies to prepare us for where the Lord sends us after language school. The biggest prayer we have focused on lately for the ministry is for preparation and clarity on where the Lord wants to use us once we have learned Spanish. There are so many options. North America, South America and Central America are just the large areas of Spanish speaking cultures; there are Hispanic/Latin American communities all over the world and millions of people who need the gospel preached in this language! We know the Haitian/Dominican border has several Spanish speaking communities, along with Peru and even the United States. Our hearts have always been for unreached people groups, but above all we want to be sure we are in His will and that our desire is for His will; wherever that takes us for the gospel’s sake!
Family Corner
Justin has enjoyed school and is beginning to be challenged by the material more and more each day. They say not to focus on the grades while you are learning, but Justin is doing excellent even in his testing (with all ‘A’s so far). Aside from school and homework, Justin has been attending in as many Bible studies or opportunities to witness that he can – it seems as though this year may fly by as much as there is on his plate now and he is excited to be busy for the Lord!
Kevin is doing excellent in school as well and we have been able to be creative lately, which is always fun! He will be on his last book this week for reading “Martin Luther King, Jr.”, but we hope to get some more very soon. He is super excited to see some of his grandparents this month!!!
Annika is always bruised now a’ days. Since walking has began she has a nice bruise on her chin and even a cut on her knee…she seems to be getting tougher in taking the falls though! She is also full of all sorts of personality and will run away in a heartbeat when she knows she has something she shouldn’t (which is also getting harder to keep her from as she is tall enough to reach most things!)
I have been enjoying a new Bible study and still breaking away at Spanish on the computer. The kitchen is still a playground to me in learning new dishes. This month I am going to have the moms/wives from the school over for fellowship.

“In Christ alone my hope is found. He is my light, my strength, my song…. No guilt in life, no fear in death. This is the power of Christ in me”
I’m reading a book on hope right now and it speaks of how suffering, trials, waiting, etc… are all inevitable. Then of course it gives scripture that teaches, reminds and ensures us of the hope we have in Christ Jesus. Hope is not a feeling or a desire for something to be…it is a certainty; an absolute!
-Bobbi Ann

Costa Rica
Rice and Beans, Rainforest, scary driving; No matter what you think of when you hear the words Costa Rica, the sin, the beauty and the need for the gospel are the same as the rest of the world. Here we are surrounded by the most beautiful mountains, tropical trees and unique animals. However, we are also surrounded by pollution, pornographic theaters, immodesty and all around, uncensored sin. Somehow our minds, even knowing sin is sin, get caught up and focused on depicting one area or part of the world as needier than another. The one and only true NEED in this world is Christ and a relationship with Him. We cannot and must not get caught up in the society or culture in which we are participating. There are definitely benefits to learning and living parts of the culture, it allows for opportunities to reach the lost (even Paul says he becomes all things for all people) but he also says not to trample on grace…sin is sin and is not acceptable in the sight of the Lord. No matter where we travel now, our family has developed a mind to separate, when necessary, what is culturally acceptable if it interferes with spreading the gospel. Why did Paul spend so much of his life in prison, because what he did was not socially acceptable…but it glorified Christ!
Thank you all for your continual encouragement and prayers. We also want to thank everyone that continues to have faith in the Lords work overseas and trusts Him with your financial contributions. The hospital is coming along in Haiti (almost finished) and there have been more opportunities to share the gospel in Costa Rica this month (as our Spanish grows)! Please continue to send us your prayer requests! God Bless!
· Our visa information is turned in and being processed and we do not have to leave the country at this time!
· We have run out of witnessing tracts (getting more though!)
· Justin is doing so well in school he has already moved on to 2nd trimester work
Prayer Requests:
· Hearts to be opened to the gospel and opportunities to reach people
· A Spanish tongue for each of us
· Clarity on where the Lord wants us to go after school.
*SON Ministries is making a trip into Haiti and our prayers are with that team
*Bobbi Ann will be hosting a fellowship for the missionary women
*We get to attend spiritual emphasis week at the school (similar to revival (two services a day for a week))
* Justin’s parents are coming to Costa Rica to visit (we are very excited).
*NO foreseen fundraisers this month; as of now!

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