Friday, January 20, 2012

Keeping Up

Well i did well to keep it on Wednesdays for a while and then just kept falling sleep without update lately! So i guess i need to keep you posted for the last week!

We hope everyone is doing well. This week there have been several of our brothers and sisters in Christ on our hearts and in our prayers; we always try to remember specific prayer requests and life each of you up, but this week has just been an extra special time of individual prayers and special thoughts!

In School Justin's class has moved forward to 2nd trimester books already; which is good news as far as showing what they already knew, but mean much more studying and focus now! Today Justin is taking his first test! He has also taken time to sit down with me this week and teach me some things and he is keeping it on my level (which is difficult sometimes because i do learn a little slower and with repetition). Kevin is doing well is school as well. I realized today we are running out of literature so i had to send a request back home for some more story books! That is great news to me because i did not really enjoy reading for leisure or even book reports, but Kevin is a pro at readin and loves the adventures that each book holds! He is also applying his spanish when he gets opportunities!

A few days ago Justin was also invited to hand out tracs and witness. For Christmas he recieved a few spanish tracs and handed them all out! He enjoyed witnessing and having one on one time on the buss rides with individuals; as well as enjoyed the fellowship of his brothers in Christ he has met here in San Jose at the Language school!

We have been calling in to listen at the Piney Point sevices on Sundays and Wednesdays and have been blessed by it...we are however going to limit it to Wednesdays and start attending a spanish speaking church service on Sunday mornings, as well as meet with a group in English on Sunday afternoons. We have also been continueing to attend the chapel services on Tuesday and Thursday mornings at the school. It is great to be surrounded by the word!

Annika has 7 full teeth now and continues to climb all over the furniture. She likes to have you follow her to the table and put her in her chair when she thinks it should be meal or snack time! There is no doubt our baby is turning into a toddler and way to fast! Jewelry, shoes and all sorts of girly things are still her favorites!

I could use a little prayer for physical health please. For about 3 weeks now I have had off and on stomach isssues and headaches. The headaches i am pretty sure are a caffiene issue that i probably just need to break by not drinking so much coffee, but we aren't quite sure what the stomach issue is; I have been trying to relax some everyday and stretch more to be sure it isn't stress on my body and then I also (with the help of my mom) started some natural remedies incase it might be a parasite. Hopefully between the relaxing my body and natural remedies whatever it is will subside soon :). It is wonderful and easing to know that my Lord is the great physician though and through prayer and taking care of the physical body He has given me...He will heal the pain!

thank you all for staying posted with us. It is almost time for our Monthly newsletter and we will recap all the things the Lord has allowed us to be a part of this month and the things we look foward to next month!

God Bless - please remember to email us at: with prayer requests!

Justin, Bobbi Ann, Kevin and Annika White

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