Sunday, June 24, 2012

The Old and the New

Hello All :)

A week ago Justin preached his first all Spanish Sermon and it went wonderfully!  There is a video clip on our White Family Missions Facebook page - check it out :).  This week I was blessed to join the other missionary women that attend the local chuch here to provide snacks for the body!  Kevin's sunday school teacher also let us know that Kevin volunteered to pray in Spanish to end the class last week!!

We want to thank everyone for prayers as we continue to learn Spanish and are able to get more involved with the more we learn.  On that same note, I was able to send in the application today to be able to attend the language institute at the end of August.

Our most recent prayer request is for the Lord's provision to continue to learn the language and then stay witnessing overseas to unreached people!

God Bless,
Justin and Bobbi Ann White (Kevin and Annika send greetings as well).

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