Tuesday, August 28, 2012

August 2012 Newsletter

Why? Why us? Why here? Why now?

We know that some days people must wonder why we are spending time in language school when people are dying every day without Christ. You know why we know this, because the thought has come into our hearts as well on occasion. Our desire to see souls won to the kingdom and to reach the unreached people groups for Christ, puts a sort of child like rush into our souls making us want to leap forth with His glorious message! However, this is where God has us right now and if we leap forward before we are ready then ‘they’, those He has prepared ahead of time to hear…will not understand because we will not be prepared the way the Lord has asked us to be for teaching them. The great commandment is clear that we are to go, making disciples, baptizing and then TEACHING. Daily we pray that our lives are a written epistle for the Lord, but we also wish to raise up His saints in His word before moving on to a new area. Until that time in which He is finished with us here and sends us to raise up new disciples through teaching, we will continue to plant the gospel at each opportunity.

August was a fun month for our family! At the end of July we celebrated Kevin’s birthday, with decorations donated from the states. Then through some monetary gifts from family and an invitation from some good missionary friends, now serving in Peru, we were able to spend a few days at the beach (5 hours from here). That was the first time in a year that we have all been out of schooling and just got to enjoy some family time focused on one another! We all had a blast and found out both of our children are fearless of the ocean and it’s powerful waves and then we travelled back burnt to crisps (except Annika – she evidently tans the best). Upon returning, Justin finished his last two days of classes and officially graduated in the 2nd to highest level of oral evaluation (“Advanced medium”) and with and 88% written evaluation. He is officially bilingual! Along with our graduate and our family mini vacation, the Piney Point Churches in NWA and Cassville, MO helped us to gather supplies that we will assemble into “blessing bags” and use as an opportunity to minister weekly (planting seeds). All of the Churches gathered the goals within a few weeks and we ask for prayers as Justin and probably his dad take these bags out and minister; we hope to continue to find ways to keep more of the Churches who support and pray for us back in the states involved in the future! Justin has already found ways to stay busy for the Lord while I am attending school, both to glorify God and keep learning Spanish more fluently. He will be communicating regularly with the school as he oversees a project to build a Skype lab, allowing the school more opportunities for online teaching, etc… Along with the blessing bags, he is also going to begin working with the pastor of the Church who allowed him to share his testimony a few months back at a secular concert – their church is very evangelical and Justin will be finding out more about their doctrine soon and if it is a sound Church he will be able to have opportunities with them almost daily.

This month we are continuing to ask for prayers for the Lord’s provision and that you all would continue to pass the word of what the Lord is using our family for here in Costa Rica and the future of reaching unreached people groups. Please pray for the Lord to prepare the hearts of those we will reach with the blessing bags, in our daily lives and in the future communities. Lately we have only been receiving the prayer request list from our Church, which we are extremely grateful for, however we would love to hear from you all and would love to know how we can lift you up in our prayers! It is extremely humbling to have the love and support that we do from so many brothers and sisters in Christ around the world and we hope that you know the love we have for you all as well. In honesty, we often wish we were in your presence, but there is also the indescribable joy (as many of you know) of being right here where the Lord wants us.

God Bless

Justin, Bobbi Ann, Kevin and Annika

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