Friday, January 27, 2012

Staying Focused!

Hola Amigos,

We have completed another week here in San Jose, Costa Rica at the Language School and at home. This week was filled with thrilling adventures of Jack Sparrow and Aeing Spanish tests. The week also consisted of many a' rounds of the Veggie Tale Theme Song.

At the Language Intitute, Justin has been chugging right along and has had tough days or trying to figure out new language rules, etc and great days of encouragement in getting 'A's on all 3 tests he has taken so far. Chapel services have been wonderful and encouraging and when there is free time there have also been many Bible Studies to get involved in as well.

The Institute a la Home has also been interesting this week as we have jumped into the food pyramid and making menus as well as multiplying money and 3-4 digit numbers. Kevin's attitude has been good this week and he seems to be enjoying his topics of study at the moment - which always make school more fun!

Annika is continuing to talk and eat and play and, well, just be Annika. She is growing so fast too. I had to go through her cloths this week and actually clear out quite a load. I have also never seen so many bruises on one child before. Ever since walking has started she is falling over, climbing and falling and running into or waiting to be hit by doors...therefore we have all learned to look around every corner carefully before proceeding!

We are all still studying away at Spanish and look forwad to visiting the local church again this week to worship in Spanish Sunday morning. Justin's parents are planning to visit this month and we are excited to see them. We also have spiritual empahsis week at the end of February and look forward to that.

Please continue to pray for opportunities to witness (we will be grocery shopping for next month here in a week so it is an opportune time to witness to our taxi driver). Also, we are really focusing and seeking the Lord as to clarity to prepare for wherever He wants to use us once language school is completed if you would join us in praying for that. I (Bobbi Ann) am also doing a great study right now and would like prayer for an amazing spiritual growth from this study far it has been amazing.

Thank you all for your thoughts prayers and support,
Justin, Bobbi Ann, Kevin and Annika White

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