Saturday, January 14, 2012

First Week of School

Wow, did wednesday sneak away on us? I was staying on track and then Justin started school and it seems like i also had time fly past this week...

This last week was Justin's first week at language school. His teachers only speak spanish and he has homework everynight; it may sound difficult and it is a little, but he is very much enjoying learning and was placed in a class with 4 other students on his learning level. The placement helps everyone to move at the appropriate rate for them. He also meets with student counsel and we have attended the first two chapel services this trimester.

Today was our normal day at the market and we met a lady there who after talking to her for no more than 4 minutes offered her experience in teaching me (bobbi ann) some costa rica cooking :)... We are suppose to get as involved in the culture as possible so hopefully i will find time to enjoy the company of this nice tico woman and learn some more culture and even spanish!

Both the kids have been doing well. Kevin has been trying to help around the house more without complaining and has hit the phase of taking things apart again and trying to put them together a different way! Annika has recieved a couple more teeth and reached a new level of scream we wish she hadn't found! All together they are both still adjusted well and both LOVE when skype rings from one of the family to see them :).

Our prayer request remain for opportunities to witness, provision for Kevin and I to learn Spanish quickly and effectively and for protection and strength against the devil.

God Bless!
The White Family - Justin, Bobbi Ann, Kevin and Annika White

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