Thursday, February 9, 2012

Family Happenings


This week it seems as though for months now i haven't been able to say "we have seen 1 (or more) people come to the Lord" "God started revival here in San Jose, Costa Rica this week"....these seem like things that an overseas missionary should be posting weekly... fortunately God reminded me of Jeremiah and many many more who didn't focus on these things!! When i reflect on our months overall i see so many wonderful attempts verbally to witness and minister, but not only that just opportunities we have had to love and be a walking witness for the Lord. This is a time when the Lord has us preparing and though it feels like we have been preparing for almost 2 years now it goes back to the scriptures of being faithful with what He gives you at the moment and it is important for us to learn another language, culture, etc... but that is also why we get involved with existing ministries while we are here and we seek opportnities for the Lord to use us as well as just being prepared to be used at any given moment!

Justin is still doing wonderful in school, yet he finds himself becoming more challenged by the material and sometimes takes a couple of days to understand the new information. He is still Acing his tests. He got to read scripture in the local Church on Sunday morning (in Spanish) and taught at Bible Study that afternoon (in english).

The Lord made provision for Kevin to enroll into public school and being in a Spanish culture the entire schooling is in Spanish (except English clas :)... Today was his second day and he loves everything about being there and is even picking up on some of the spanish already. We would not have been able to send him to the language institude as it is a few thousand put him into public school we had to spend a little over $100 and that is mostly because they are required to wear a uniform and we had to buy 2 plus a gym is a huge huge praise and it is an even bigger praise that he loves it and isn't stressed about understanding!!

Annika cut her 9th tooth through today and it wore her out so she fell asleep an hour early. She also had a fun day earlier this week by climbing up onto the bed and crawling to the dresser and smearing vasaline all over the bed and herself (note to self: there are no longer any safe zones as climbing, walking, running and drawer opening has began!)!

I am preparing for a spa fellowship at my house for the missionary wives/moms and still working on my spanish at home and trying to brave up to use it more out in public...i actually understand it a little better than before and don't quite want to run and cry every time someone talks to me :) I am extremely thankful to the Lord for allowing things to work with the schooling for both of the boys now and i am constantly benig corrected if i try to use any spanish (i remind them that they DID understand me though, so at least i am coming across in some form of the language :)

Justin's parents are going to visit a week from monday and the week after that we get to participate in Spiritual Emphasis week at the school (much like a revival - 2 sermons a day/speakers, etc...) . My parents are going to Haiti this next week (the 16th) and i would be lying if i didn't say i was a little jealous - we do love and miss our brothers and sisters there and the people and culture...the Lord has given us a love for the country, but also a love to be in His will and right now that is exactly what we are doing.

Thank you all for your continued prayers and contributions to the work here in Costa Rica and around the is great to work with so many believers near and far!

God Bless,
Justin, Bobbi Ann, Kevin and Annika White

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