Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Ending 2011

I have started this blog over and over again now and my grammar is not participating tonight. Therefore I am going to organize this post in more of a list formatt:

*We did not recieve our student visa information yet and will not have an opportunity to pick up the mail again until the school reopens on January 4th. This cuts our time very short and unless the Lord so choose it to be different we will have to exit the country on the 9th (our 90 day expiration date). To be able to stay in the country we have to get all of our papers translated and to the embassy to begin transition. We did however find out that there is NO law stating that a person must stay out of the country for 72 hours. This fact is only recommended by travel sights, etc.... We will be able to leave the country on the 9th and walk around for a few hours and then re-enter Costa Rica the same day and Justin will not miss any schooling and we will have to pay exit taxes and buss and taxi fees only (no hotels, etc...)

*Though we aren't able to speak spanish fluently yet, Justin has had 3 (that I witnessed) opportunities to witness this month to locals. He was able to speak to a taxi driver about the Lord and the taxi driver was smiling the entire trip and saying "amen" "amen"; it was awesome! Also, there were a few other conversations he was able to glorify the Lord in with his spanish and able to help "in the name of the Lord". This has really encouraged my spirit since my spanish is even less than His; knowing that ALL THINGS work together for His glory.

*Justin starts orientation for school on January 4th. Kevin will remain being homeschooled and we will continue to use Rosetta Stone at home!

Please continue to pray for opportunities to share Christ through all windows of opportunity! Also pray for Satan to be revealed and our guards to be up against his evil plans.

We thank each of you for your prayers!

God Bless

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