Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Bonjou! Zonmi Nou! (hello our friends)

This week has mostly been our normal Church events through Piney Point as well as Justin getting a little work on the side!

Huge Blessing/Praise/Provision: We applied for a diaper grant to get a few extra pre-folds for Annika before we leave for Haiti and we were accepted and now will have plenty of cloth diapers and inserts!!

Justin is in the process of raising $1000 to get to go to Haiti for a week in March for a youth conference and to talk to Pastor Kenan about where our hearts are, which is to start churches. *prayer request* our firt church will be in Carniage, which is a voodoo village*

Kevin is continuing in his second semester in homeschooling and is getting everything done so well and even quicker now that he realizes the advantages of homeschooling and having basically his whole afternoon off to play! :) *prayer request* That he would do well in April when we have to leave everyone again and that schooling would continue to go well!

Annika is ...well, eating and sleeping mostly! She also has a funky little quirk - she likes to cross her eyes when she is dazed into space. We have applied to find a doctor for her and are just waiting for results *prayer request* continued health!

Myself, Bobbi Ann has been being mom for my kids and side kick for my husband! Keeping up with updates, emails and legal information! Our prayer is to get Annika's birth certificate and social security card by the begining of February and then we will immediatly apply for her passport! *prayer request* remain focused and to biblically take care of her husband and kids as well as others we can reach here in the states!

We love you all and are thankful for each of you! We are praying as we know some have been ill lately, but are thankful that God is in control!

Bondye Beni Nou (God Bless you all)
Justin, Bobbi Ann, Kevin and Annika

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