Thursday, November 3, 2011

Almost Time

Hello Family and Friends,

We had the privelage and the blessing to attend the Piney Point Revival services last week via Skype! Skype is a huge blessing for us while we are overseas! The services were awesome and encouraging. It was nice to be in the fellowship and hear a word from the Lord through a man of God.

This week we are packing up and deep cleaning so that next Tuesday (November 8th) we will be ready to head to San Jose, Costa Rica. Our biggest prayer right now is that we would find and move into a house as soon as we arrive! We are leaving on faith that one of the houses we have had appointments set up with (via the school administrator) will work for us. The nice thing about house hunting for us is that we have stayed in several different places and are not very picky :). However, we do want to be sure that every dime that is spent in living expenses is worth the money.

Last month when we had to get to the airport to get back to the states we also had a wonderful shuttle service that took us and they have agreed to take us and all of our things (including our bikes) to our new location in San Jose for an awesome price (huge praise). The other prayer request at this moment is that we can sell our current washer before we leave since we will have a washing machine available to us in either location in San Jose. This money can also go toward our down payment on our next apartment.

We are very thankful for each of you in our lives. We are thankful for your prayers, support and love. Please continue to contact us via email so that we can pray for you!

God Bless,
Justin and Bobbi Ann White

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