Sunday, November 13, 2011

San Jose


We are here! We made it to San Jose on Tuesday the 8th and we had internet installed on Friday and i spent all day in bed yesterday with a headache; so yay, i am finally on here to update!

This week has been mostly consisting of familiarizing ourselves with the area (grocery shopping, the school, etc...) as well as meeting people at the language school and finding out what things we can get involved in as far as fellowship and evangalizing! We are also currently working on getting our student visas. Tomorrow we will be making copies of our passport and finding out where to get pictures done for our application. Stateside they are gathering other documents of ours to send to Washington D.C. to get notorized before we can apply. Our prayer in this area is that all the documents get mailed and back to us within a matter of weeks so that we do not have to leave the country the first week of January. The upfront cost is going to be great, but in the long run it will save us money to not leave the country for 72 hours every three months. It will also save us 15 hours on a bus and going thru immigration with a 9 and 1 year old :).

As far as the area it is very difficult to describe. I suppose it depends on how you see things. There is grafitti everywhere and razor wire and gates around every home, but there is also the beauty of the mountains around. In my personal opinion it seems that every time we have left the house the Lord reveals a new beauty about the area. We are very excited to get involved in ministries here and learn the language more fluently!

Our prayers right now are that the provision comes thru for our student visas as well as for schooling for at least Justin if not for all of us. Also, we are praying to pick up the language quickly. Another benifit that i forgot to mention is that our apartment has 5 units in it and it is owned by a family (one unit is the parents two are the brothers and sisters and the other is the owner) and we are the only greengo (American) family here; that should help with learning the language! They are very nice and have already been such a help. The neighbors right next to us have an 11 year old boy that Kevin has already befriended and there are twin 1 year old girls that live upstairs and are always playing out in the yard and when the door is open they and Annika have a great time interacting!

Well, for now i will leave you with this information and we will be back on next week; hopefully to share more on how our visas are coming along as well as ministry information the school has available! The family here has also offered to drive us around next week to show us where everything is and tell us which busses to take to get to which places and how to use the taxi services, etc... We have been extremely blessed to be where He has us! Looking forward to sharing Christ with this community (hoping the language comes quickly so we can be influential for the Kingdom in all Latin American cultures!)

God Bless
Justin, Bobbi Ann, Kevin and Annika White

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