Sunday, November 20, 2011

Student Visas and Such

Hola from San Jose, Costa Rica

Well, we have made it through another week. Most of the ministry work took place stateside for us this week. Our parents collected all of our legal documents and mailed them to Washington D.C. this week (our prayer is for a rapid notorization and to recieve them back in the mail a.s.a.p). Our visas expire at the beggining of January and we would like to not have to leave the country again for at least a year (once we are finished with school). As a huge praise the concert yesterday and a check recieved today has put us over the halfway point for the entire costs of getting our student visas!! Praise the Lord.

Around here in San Jose we have gotten copies made that we need when we send the visas information off from here (once we recieve the letters from Washington D.C.) and this next week we will get our pictures done as well as get our fingers prints as soon as possilbe (we are hoping to have a student from the school join us for this in case we need a translator).

Justin has been doing extremely well in Spanish and Kevin and I jump in and use words as we know them...we are still working on sentence structure. I am pretty sure that Annika says 'Hola' when she waves now but I seem to be the only one that hears that; so maybe it is just wishful thinking ;).

We continue to find new conveniences here and must honestly say it is different than both Haiti and Guanacaste, Costa Rica were. It is rather nice to have these conveniences, but we pray to never loose focus. Having a more populated and developed area also comes with more opportunities to witness and be a witness! Please pray that while learning the language we still use every opportunity to let our lives be a witness!

God Bless
The White Family...Justin, Bobbi Ann, Kevin and Annika

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