Thursday, October 27, 2011

Stranger Tides

Hello Everyone :) I am a couple of days late past a week and i apologize. No good reason for this, i honestly just forgot to get on the blog this week!

We have been on the phone often this week. On November 8th we will be getting in a van and moving to San Jose, Costa Rica. Justin will be starting Language school in January and we will be applying for a student visa a.s.a.p, allowing us to stay in country until school is finished next December. Not only will this be the most effective way to become fluent in Latin American Spanish, but we also have the opportunity to become very active in ministries already provided by the school, as it is a mission schoool, as well as seek out areas/people that may not be being ministred to at this moment. Once school is finished we have the advantage of having the language and being able to either stay in the San Jose area, moving on to another area in Costa Rica or ministering in any of the SEVERAL Latin American cultures (including Peru). When we come back to visit the states it will also give us the advantage to reach a community we have not been able to minister to there as well!

As i mentioned in my newsletter, sometimes these events seem like we aren't being given enough or much and aren't changing the world in a day or even a month, but i know that if God showed us the big picture right now that we would probably run! I am thankful for where the Lord has our family and we are willing to work where He has us each moment. We will serve Him every opportunity we get from now until November 8th in Guanacaste, Costa Rica and then from November 8th until December 2012 in San Jose, Costa Rica and wherever He leads after that! We have been blessed for the opportunity to preach (Justin) and witness in the states, in Haiti, and now in Costa Rica.

Thank you all for your continued prayers and having a great impact on all the people we have the opportunity to share Jesus with each day! God bless and continue to spread the word with others where He has you!

God Bless,
Justin, Bobbi Ann, Kevin and Annika White

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