Tuesday, October 18, 2011

October 18th, 2011

Hello Everyone,

Well aside from trying to get sleep patterns back to normal we have been adjusting, getting food in the fridge and trying to dry laundry with constant rain :) (our living room is a sight to see with cloths hanging over every piece of furniture to dry). We are also looking into (have called and filled out information online) the Spanish Language Institute in San Jose, Costa Rica. Tomorrow we should recieve more information on that option as a year study to fluent Latin American Spanish. This will not only benifit our work here in Costa Rica, but would allow us to witness in other cultures as well as reach people we would not have been able to witness to in the states.

Ron and Meredith will be recieving help soon with new missionaries to Soul Chasing Ministries and we are excited that the Lord will be using our brothers and sisters in Christ in this part of Costa Rica for His glory.

We will keep you posted on the information we recieve on furthering our language ablility as well as where our spiritual journey is heading in making disciples and teaching them in the ways of the Lord.

God Bless,
The White Family

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