Thursday, October 13, 2011

October 13th, 2011

Hola Family and Friends,

Well, I apologize that i did not write while we were in the states! To be honest i wasn't on my computer much at all. I would check our email and facebook for messages every once in a while but never got on long except to email our newsletter! I am thankful to report however that we have made it back to Costa Rica and are encouraged and refreshed and ready to get deeper into studying Latin American Language and always the culture.

Thank you to everyone who blessed us with encouragement while we were in the states! It was a good time to get things in order after learning a new culture and what we need. Most of our time was spent at events with the Body; whether it was services or other events. We also were able to raise $500 at our Drive In Fundraiser (Praise the Lord!).

Our prayer request and focus right now is that the Lord would show us what the best option is to continue to be able to glorify Him in sharing the gospil and discipling, but also learning the language quickly and efficiently to be of better use in the Latin American culture. There are schooling options and tutoring options. We are continuing with Rosetta Stone and learning on our own, but would like clarity on where we should go from here and are looking into the options right now so we can make a choice as soon as possible :)

Please continue to pray for hearts to be open and broken to learn of our Jesus!

Praise the Lord for He is worthy and worthy to be praised!
The White Family

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