Tuesday, August 30, 2011

August 30th, 2011

Hello Everyone,

We haven't really being doing any more than we normally do in a week; however, there were a lot of changes this last week. On Sunday and Wednesday we met at a new location with the body of believers of Matapalo, Guanacaste, Costa Rica. There is much more room for both service and sunday school in the new building (2 rooms, a bathroom and a kitchen). Mykel and Justin have been working with Ron and Meredith to get the church building cleaned and organized.

Kevin and I are chugging right along down the Missouri River in Science and rounding and solving problems in math. In history we have made it through God's covenant with Abraham and will next learn of the distruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. Kevin chose the Revolutionary War as his choice of reading this week for a book report and our Spanish is ever so confusing and difficult, but is also chugging right along!

Annika is really letting us learn her traits this week. She is a very determined young lady. Whether she books across the house in 60 seconds to get what she wants or waits with her mouth wide open while you are preparing food, to be sure to get the first bite!

Finally, we are preparing to visit the states from September 17th until October 11th. Of course our calander is already quickly filling. In an effort to raise more support we have a couple of meetings and fundraisers ready to go while back as well as enjoying some time with our home church and hopefully our sister churches as well. It will be very nice to hear a few sermons in English (live) for a couple of weeks.

We are thankful for all of you and most of all for the Lord having opened this door to us. When we arrive back on October 11th there is no fore seen date to return to the states. Should the opportunity present itself to visit again soon we will take it, but we look forward to being focused right where He has us.

God Bless!

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