Thursday, September 8, 2011

September 8th, 2011


I apologize for being a couple of days late in updating our blog! We are venturing on our last week here before a 4 week trip back to the states. On October 11th we will be flying back to Costa Rica.

This last week we have mainly only attended the Sunday and Wednesday Church services as both of our bikes have some repairs needed (after over 50 miles, this is probably to be expected!) and our missionary friends with Soul Chasing Ministries are finishing up getting moved into the Matapalo area and getting the church set up. The boys also all attended the first Kid's Bible Club at the new church building. The services and Kid's Bible club have gone very well. There have been some new faces, some old faces and missing a few faces (please pray for a burning desire for God's children to want to grow and be at the services as well as for the discipleship classes to continue to help them grow!)

This upcoming week Mykel will be headed back to the states, the church will start morning services on Sundays and we will be attending our last Sunday and Wednesday services and weekly discipleship classes. We have been so blessed with the doors and opportunities God has provided here and we look forward to coming back in October and reaching more lives and helping them to grow in their faith!

While in the states we have two fundraisers set up to raise money for a vehicle as well as a few meetings. We will also get to visit family and friends and meet our newest niece, Ellie! The anticipation of cool weather has us prepared to get some use out of our jeans as well!!

God Bless from Costa Rica,
The White Family

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