Tuesday, August 23, 2011

August 23rd, 2011

Hello family and friends,

We are thankful today for all the work the Lord has allowed us to have a part in here and the peace that the Lord has given us to come back once we renew our passports next month. This last week has been a lot of change and just being flexable.

The church building in Matapolo has relocated and has more space as well as a yard for kid's club and events. There is also a room for sunday school that was not available in the last building! Of course we all know the Church is the body of believers, but we praise Him that He has given Matapolo a place to meet!

The missionaries we are working with have been moving a little closer to the church this week as well and have been blessed with a home that works well for them to be close to the ministry that God has given them!

Kevin is doing wonderfully in school and we have done all the projects we can with what we have right now. We will be going back and doing more if we are able to get supplies. However, for the time being, he is very much enjoying schooling.

Annika has been a bit fussy this week, but she has also done a wonderful job eating since we discovered she wants to use her teeth and have things to chomp. She is still army crawling and on the bed will crawl on her knees a bit, but i think is discouraged on the tile floors right now to try on her knees.

Justin and Mykel have been busy busy busy, whether it be moving, preparing the new church building or tagging along for discipleship classes and learning spanish at home!

As for me, I have been preparing for our return to the states to renew our visas and our trip back to Costa Rica a few short weeks later...this time for at least 6 months. We are preparing fundraisers and trying to raise more support to be able to accomplish more here as the mission field here is a bit pricier than Haiti would be, but every soul is worth it and the Lord will provide.

Our current prayer is for a vehicle so that we can reach more people and minister to more people. The bike work great for us to use going to the store or church or even recreational family days; however, to reach out further a vehicle would be a great help.

Continue to pray for souls to be saved and growth in the lives of newer and older believers through the discipleship classes and sermons!

God Bless!
The White Family (Justin, Bobbi Ann, Kevin and Annika)

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