Tuesday, August 16, 2011

August 16th 2011

Hola Amigas/Amigos!

In this last week in a half Soul Chasing Ministries has found a new building for the Church to meet at on Wednesdays and Sundays. There will be more space for kids Bible Club on Saturdays also. This building is also secure and should allow for equipment to stay in the building. All that they are waiting on to move is a call from the renters as the renters want to repaint, etc... before they give the keys over. There are have been several people cancelling discipleship classes off and on so please pray that there might be a little more consistancy in those classes so that people will grow in faith and/or get saved.

At the house; homeschooling has been going well. We are studying the Bible in history, charting our way through nutrition tables in health, floating the missouri river in science and bouncing from money to estimates and more in math! Kevin's attitude has been good; well as much as a 9 year old can be when you make him sit still for long periods of time! His birthday was on Sunday and he had a great day. It is easy when they are still at an age where a giant chocolate chip cookie cake and a chocolate milk make thier day. Also, Kevin got a boogie board for his birthday, a soccer ball (from his aunt and uncle) and snorkle set (from the drokes). He will also get to spend some money from his grandparents and be recieving a package from his other grandparents and some church family from the states. We are very thankful that our children do not get to miss out on what most kids get to do and enjoy just because we are overseas and travel often! The Lord has blessed this for sure!

Annika is up to 6 teeth now! She is also becoming very independent in her eating. She likes to swim in her food as she is eating it; but i am so thankful she is eating after weeks of not being able to get her to eat much at all, that i will gladly clean the mess :). She is army crawling or running in her walker all day long! Her and daddy have had lots of time together in the mornings while Kevin and I adventure in homeschool!

We have all been practicing our spanish regularly; although some days i wonder if Justin and I are doing the same lesson...he is such a quick learner! He will say things and i will think "I don't remember doing that part!" haha... But i am thankful that he can begin ministering immediatly! He did get to read outloud at church a few weeks ago and he has been giving his praise reports and prayer requests in spanish. Kevin is also doing pretty well. Unfortunately he is like me and has a little more trouble with the spelling parts, but we have encouraged him to keep on trying and his attitude and efforts seem pretty good! He also isn't allowed to watch television shows in English if he can't tell us knew things he has learned in Spanish; so that may also help the motivation :).

We thank you all for your support, love and prayers! Our biggest prayer requests right now would be: obviously for salvations (particularly of the men in the households as it is rare to find a man serving the Lord), we also pray that the Lord would provide for a vehicle, which would help us be able to do more and participate in more evangalism and discipling and eventually expand to new areas as well! Finally, we ask for prayer that God would continue to grow us, both spiritually and in the culture to be able to reach the people better!

God Bless-
The White Family!

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