Friday, June 10, 2011

May 2011

Buenos Dias!
I would like to start this news letter with a tremendous ‘Thanks’ for all the encouragement this last month. In an honest side note, there was a lot of struggling with ‘waiting on the Lord’, but I have learned there is a reason He put it so frequently in His Word! AMEN! Again, thank you all for your encouragement through prayers, words, continued support, etc…
We had a great week at revival service this last month in Cassville, MO. Also, we have been blessed to begin attending Monday night services at Piney Point. Other than these additional services we have been attending Piney Point most of this past month as well as encouraging the Church start in Eureka Springs!
We are now selling greeting cards (homemade) to help raise money for the ministry; the cards are currently located at Piney Point Church in Rogers, AR and Cross Roads Church in Pea Ridge, AR. Hundreds of holiday print shirts were also donated to us to sell for the ministry. These shirts range from long sleeve t-shirts, sweaters and some short sleeve of all sizes. They would be perfect for a craft seller. We would like to sell the shirts for $4.00 each or 3 for $10. If anyone is interested please let us know; please spread the word to any friends that may also be interested please. I will send pictures to you via email if interested!
The moment we have all been waiting for: We will be headed to Costa Rica on June 20th. Tickets have been purchased. Justin, Kevin, Annika, and I will be leaving. We will also be joined by our brother Mykel, who has raised his own funds to be in the mission field as well. Legally we cannot stay in the country for more than 90 days. It has been suggested that we could either come home for a short time after 90 days and then return OR cross borders to a nearby country for 72 hours and then return. More details on that will come closer to the 90 day limited time. We are also looking for a place to rent so that we can stay there as long as the Lord wishes to use us there!
Evangelist, Dr. Jerry Spencer has friends going on a mission trip June 21st and we will start the week by evangelizing and witnessing with them. Pastor Spencer also knows the full time missionaries we will stay with once the team leaves. We have spoken to both the mission team leader and the family of missionaries in Costa Rica allowing us to live there and both are focused on evangelism and discipleship!
We received a few items back from Haiti this week as well. It is amazing what God KNOWS we NEED because it was definitely the most unorganized bag. We got back about half of our diapers, all of the ones given to us. It is a huge praise; that is more money staying in the ministry account! If it is in His plan we will receive any other bags back in His timing timing.
Prayer Requests:
*Continue to pray for the Son Ministries Active Mission Fields (*Haiti, the hospital is getting closer and closer to completion! Africa, the King family are ministering and settling in and have already seen many saved! India and Peru where teams have been and hope to continue work and please also pray for hearts to be softened in Costa Rica)
*Kevin has finished his testing for homeschooling this year. Please pray that this would allow him to take the summer to adjust again to a new culture.
Thank you all for your encouragement once again. We would love to pray for you, so please let us know what we can lift up in prayer for you at this time!

God Bless,
The White Family

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