Friday, June 24, 2011

June 2011

Hola mi amigos!

(We will begin to update the blog regularly now. We will have internet access to keep you all posted frequently; weekly!)

Well we have only been here for 4 days but have been busy from 6:30am to around 9:30pm every day. I stayed home this morning to get some of our cloths washed and hung before VBS this afternoon. Since I was home I have got an opportunity to update our blog and newsletters.
There is so much information I could write about, but I will try to summarize as much as possible while still being informative!
A. Weather
a. Hot and humid (this is their cool season and it is probably around 85-90 degrees daily plus humidity) We have become a very glossy looking bunch 
b. Rainy: From Now thru November is their rainy season. We are talking not about cats and dogs, but giraffes and elephants! They were not joking; we have already gotten much use out of our rain boots and coats.
B. Animals
a. I have yet to see them, mostly because when I heard them I went the opposite direction, but there are barking monkeys here in the rainforest!
b. We have several pet geckos in our house, but we welcome them with joy as they eat the mosquitoes. They also bark at you
c. Yesterday Justin encountered a 3 inch in length grasshopper, but we are told they are usually MUCH larger than that! (ahhh!)
C. People
a. The people are very hospitable, much like Haiti; they will welcome you into their home and listen to what you have to say. Of course not everyone is receptive, but they love the fact that you stopped to talk and we know that His Word does not go out void!
b. Common people groups around here include these factors: prostitution, drugs, witch craft and more. There are also many religious people, who hold fast to tradition but do not have a relationship.
D. Living Situations
a. Most houses around here are small; my mind relates several of the poor areas to the ‘Christy’ series. Most other places range from an American apartment size to large houses.
b. Not very many places have air conditioning, but a lot of places have pools that are about 3 ½ feet deep to cool off. It is interesting…tonight was the first night that the boys were able to enjoy the public pool in gated area we live.
After much time in prayer and getting to Costa Rica we are very certain that God wants us here. Our love for Haiti and Peru has not changed; the Lord has directed us for this time to Costa Rica and after arriving we immediately had that confirmed in our hearts! At present we are working with a mission team that will leave on Tuesday next week. Justin has also already met an English speaking gentleman that he will begin to disciple. We are working on getting plenty of pictures and video and will share those after the mission team leaves so that everyone has an opportunity to see us work more than just the 1st week.

Prayer Requests:
*Prayer for souls to be won to the Kingdom.
*Annika has gotten a dry cough and is teething and is also trying to adjust to the humidity; please pray that she will heal quickly.
*Pray that satan would not have a foot hold and that our focus would remain solely on Jesus and spreading the Word!
*Pray for God’s provision for this ministry and the ministry of Ron and Meredith Droke, whom the Lord has knitted our hearts and paths together with.
Please email or facebook. Thank you all for being a faithful part of this ministry!
God Bless,
Justin, Bobbi Ann, Kevin and Annika (also Mykel)

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