Thursday, May 19, 2011


Calling all prayer warriors,
Our family has grown spiritually in the last month; learning to ‘wait on the Lord’. That being said we need prayer for the mission field. We began to purchase tickets for Peru a couple of days ago and in order to do get to Peru we would need to raise $6,000 immediately. This money would pay for our plane tickets and allow us to use the money in the account to live off of as well as reach out to people.
Also, when Dr. Jerry Spencer (evangelist) was at Piney Point a couple of weeks ago he mentioned the need for full time missionaries in Costa Rica. The ticket prices to Costa Rica are almost ¼ of the cost of the tickets to Peru.
Our prayer request would be that God would make it obvious where He wants to use us. We desire to be in the center of His will. We know that if God wants us to go to Peru that He will provide the money with no problems. Please pray that within the next couple of weeks the Lord will make it clear where He wants us.
Thank you for being faithful to serve Him! God Bless!
Justin and Bobbi Ann White

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